A photo from open sources
In each living room there is a real “zoo” in the form of household dust that contains innumerable microscopic organisms. But, as it turned out, ordinary household dust can be very different from each other, and at the same time it able to tell a lot of details about the owner of the premises in depending on his gender, place of residence and the availability of domestic pets in the house itself.
“Our homes are real ecosystems,” says co-author Research Noah Firer, Honorary Ecologist of Colorado University. “A huge variety of the most amazing microorganisms that are usually hidden from human vision. ”
Through research, the world has learned new information. about ordinary household dust, which, it turns out, can affect health of residents of residential buildings. Together with colleagues Firer carefully studied various microbial ecosystems that can also be found in soil and plants.
A group of American scientists studied dust more than in 1200 houses that are located in different parts of the continental parts of the USA, as well as in different climatic zones. Dust samples gathered by volunteers of a project to study wildlife in residential the premises.
“To carry out our project without the help of hundreds of volunteers would be impossible, “says the scientist.
Given that different types of bacteria and fungi can look the same when viewed under a microscope, scientists applied DNA code sequences to identify everything species to be found in the study process. “Power the microbial diversity in ordinary household dust is incredibly extensive ” – says Firer. In total, during the study over 12,500 species of bacteria and 72,000 species were found mushrooms.
The mushrooms that were found in residential buildings differ in depending on climate and geographic location. On the species formation is influenced by weather and geographic conditions, such as humidity, atmospheric pressure and others.
Also, the number of microorganisms depends on the presence of pets in homes. Bringing another animal to your home, a person settles in the house and a whole system of microorganisms. Big the number of germs is stored on the fur of cats. In dogs they are in the mouth.
It is very interesting that the diversity of microorganisms also depends from the floor of the owners of the house. This feature is associated with characteristic differences between men and women. This is skin biology and directly personal hygiene.
A significant number of detected microorganisms are practically harmless, and some are even beneficial to humans. “During conducting research we noticed that exposure to dogs and cats at a young age can prevent allergies Fiere adds. We do not need to be afraid of a huge number of bacteria and mushrooms in our homes. They always lived with us, we just don’t knew about their existence.
Nevertheless, there are such types of bacterial organisms, which can be harmful to humans. They will be studied researchers from colorado.
Mushroom DNA Time Cat