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* Scottish historian Thomas Carlyle, dying calmly said: “So here she is, this death!”. * Composer Edward Grieg: “Well, if this is inevitable …”. * Father of dialectics Friedrich Hegel and in the face of death remained faithful to the principles opposites on which his whole philosophy is based: “Only one person understood me throughout my life, – whispered he, but after a pause, added: “But in essence, he didn’t understand me!” * Queen Marie Antoinette was perfectly calm before the execution. Stepping on the scaffold, she stumbled and stepped the executioner on his foot: “Excuse me, please, monsieur, I did it by accident …” * Roman Emperor and tyrant Nero before death cried out: “What a great the artist is dying! “. * Vaclav Nizhinsky, Anatole France, Garibaldi, Byron before death whispered the same word: “Mom!” *When the Prussian King Frederick I died, the priest read by his bed prayers. In the words “naked I came into this world and naked left” Friedrich pushed him off with his hand and exclaimed: “Do not dare to bury me naked, not in full dress! “. * Dying, Balzac recalled one of characters of his stories, an experienced doctor Bianchon: “He would have me saved … “. * At the last moment before death, the great Leonardo yes Vinci exclaimed: “I have offended God and people! My works are not reached the height that I aspired to! “. * Author of the famous utterances “uttered thought is a lie” Fedor Tyutchev before death said: “What a torment that you can’t find a word to convey the thought. “* Grand Duke Mikhail Romanov before execution the executioners their boots – “Use, guys, all the same royal.” *Dancer spy Mata Hari sends soldiers to her target air kiss: “I’m ready, boys.” * Philosopher Immanuel Kant said: “Das ist gut.” * Patient Anna Akhmatova after the injection camphor: “Still, I feel very bad!”. * The last words of Pablo Picasso inspired Paul McCartney so much that the “ex-Beatle” quoted in one of his most famous songs: “Drink for me, drink to my health, you know that I can’t take it anymore drink … “* Henryk Ibsen, having lain several years in paralysis, standing up, said: “On the contrary!” – and died. * Hope Mandelstam – to your nurse: “Don’t be afraid.” * The last words of Einstein remained unknown because the nurse did not understand German. Do writers know in advance how this will be? Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev died August 22, 1883 at the age of 65 in the town of Bougival under Paris. His last words were strange: “Farewell, my dears, my whitish ones … “. Around the bed of the dying man there were no killed grief relatives: despite several experienced novels, the writer never married, spending life in the ambiguous role of a faithful a friend of the Polina Viardot family. Turgenev’s death, all his life, by his own admission, “hiding at the edge of another’s nest,” in somehow resembled the death of his famous hero – Evgeny Bazarov. Both of them were dearly beloved to another world and never completely owned by a woman. Leo Tolstoy, his last days spent his life at the provincial railway station Astapovo. At 83 years, the count decided to break with an orderly, prosperous existence in Yasnaya Polyana. Accompanied by daughter and home He left the doctor incognito in a third-class carriage. On my way caught a cold, pneumonia began. The last words of Tolstoy, what he said on the morning of November 7, 1910, already in oblivion, was: “I love the truth “(according to another version, he said -” I do not understand “). In” Death Ivan Ilyich “an official tormented by pain and fear on his deathbed admits that everything in his life was “wrong.” “Well then?” – he asked himself and suddenly fell silent. “Resigned to the inevitability of death, Ivan Ilyich suddenly discovered that “there was no fear, because that there was no death. Instead of death there was light. “Anton Pavlovich Chekhov died on the night of July 2, 1904 in a hotel room in German The spa town of Badenweiler. The German doctor decided that death is already stands behind his shoulders. According to the ancient German medical tradition a doctor who puts a fatal diagnosis on his colleague treats dying champagne … Anton Pavlovich said in German: “I dying “- and drank a glass of champagne to the bottom. Wife of the writer, Olga Leonardovna, he will write later that the “terrible silence” of that night, when Chekhov died, violated only “huge size black night a butterfly that painfully beat against burning night lights and wound around the room. “Here is his hero, the merchant Lopakhin, who bought the cherry orchard and the assembled to cut it down to the root, suggested Ranevskaya, for whom the loss of a clan nest is tantamount to spiritual death, note the purchase of a glass of champagne. And in the ending of the play, in front of the curtain, in silence you hear, “how far in the garden they knock with an ax on wood. “Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky woke up at dawn 28 January 1881 with a clear understanding that today is the last day of his life. He silently waited for his wife to wake up. Anna Grigoryevna did not believe her husband’s words, because on the eve he was better. But Dostoevsky insisted that they bring the priest, take communion, confessed and soon died. When Elder Zosima died, one of key characters in the novel “The Brothers Karamazov”, his friends were amazed by this because “they were even convinced that his health there was a noticeable improvement. “The elder felt the approach death and humbly met her: “He bowed his face to the earth … and, as if in joyful delight, kissing the earth and praying, quietly and joyfully gave his soul to God. “Gennady Poroshenko, doctor of biological Sciences: “Our souls remain in the noosphere” Comment by the manager scientific and organizational department of the Institute of General Reanimatology RAMS “I think some kind of spiritual particle of a person remains to live and after death. They say that the soul of a deceased person goes to hell or paradise depending on his lifestyle on earth. I do not quite understand, what is “paradise” and how does it differ from “hell”. As far as I understand, the Orthodox Church believes that hell is a deprivation of presence God, while in paradise he is always there. In this matter closer Vernadsky was probably all to the truth. By the way, his theory noosphere dreamed of him delirious when he had a loose spot in Yalta typhoid. According to him, the intangible component of man after physical death flows into some noosphere. Somehow the noosphere affects living people. I can’t say that our thinking is born in ourselves, something is introduced from outside … It’s hard to talk about how foreboding writers say circumstances of his death. But … when I finished fifth year Medical Institute, an accident happened to me. I got serious traumatic brain injury. 21 days was unconscious. After I suddenly found that I had acquired unusual abilities: could guess other people’s thoughts and predict some events. True, this did not last long – about a year. Then these abilities have disappeared. But the healthy looseness that appeared in me after this injury, stayed with me. Something “material” in In my case, physical trauma can affect the “ideal” – abilities, character. But the “ideal”, in turn, affects “material”. There are a number of spiritual practices, such as yoga, through which consciousness can change something in the body, for example, to reduce scars on the skin … But what happens to consciousness before death, I’m afraid it will remain a mystery for a long time … Mikhail Romanov
Life Health