What do the voices in my head say

What do the voices in my head say?A photo from open sources

On the treatment of schizophrenia with current and life with voices in the head tells the leading psychiatrist of the Ministry of Health chief freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in the specialty “Psychiatry and Narcology”, Director of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Social and forensic psychiatry and narcology of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, MD Irina Yakovlevna Pinchuk. “During your work, you probably have accumulated many interesting examples from practice “- Of course! The brightest happened when I just started working. I was on duty at the reception rest in the hospital, and a young girl with psychosis came to us of unknown origin. Moreover, she had a temperature under 40 degrees. We could not understand whether the temperature was caused by psychosis or some other reasons, and therefore it was difficult to quickly decide how to treat her. She could not only speak normally, but also walk – she was brought on a stretcher. I took a huge risk diagnosing her with “febrile schizophrenia” (with this disease seizures are accompanied by confusion and a rise temperature) and decided to hold a session electroconvulsive therapy (effects of electric current on brain. – Aut.). We had a session, and after it she’s almost I immediately came to my senses. It was a huge victory! Then of course we she was observed, conducted a course of therapy, but most importantly – the diagnosis was set correctly. Three years later, her father came to us and said, that she’s getting ready to become a mother. He feared that pregnancy can worsen her condition and return a similar attack. But all nothing happened: after a while I met her with her husband and child, and she was fine. Sometimes people come with very unexpected questions and symptoms. Someone washes their hands 10 times per hour, someone needs remove the key from the lock three times before leaving, otherwise it will be uncomfortable all day. But you need to clearly understand that only such behavior – There is still no reason to consider a person as mentally ill. Finally, many of our strange habits of living do not bother us much. Though, Of course, there are more serious cases. For example, I watched a woman who was sure that she was gradually turning into man: she felt changes in her body, which in fact it was not. This case already requires specialist intervention and treatment. “And with the problem of hallucinations, they are turning to you often? “- Yes. It used to be that they were a sign of schizophrenia, but today the opinion has changed. Many patients with hallucinations learn to live with them. Before, such people were isolated, were hospitalized and discharged from the hospital only when hallucinations disappeared. And now there is a set of psychological methods, that teach patients how to live and work with it. Of course, it’s very important observe such patients. For example, with auditory hallucinations of the voices that people hear may initially be “good” and give good advice. And with the development of the disease, they may begin to order to do something with themselves and others. The task of the psychiatrist is to teach the patient to trust the doctor, talk about state change, determine the moment of change by behavior “mood” of these voices. The same challenge is facing relatives.

Ukraine time

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