What does a person able to survive in serious accidents?

What does a person capable of surviving in serious accidents look like?A photo from open sources

Australian Traffic Accident Commission, which is tired of fighting with drinkers and inattentive drivers, brought to life an interesting project.

Instead of bullying motorists with photos bloodied corpses and mangled cars, officials resorted to help of doctors and showed their compatriots how would look like a man who, unlike all of us, traffic accidents would be almost not scary.

It’s no secret that the human body is very delicate, and collision of a car at high speed with any solid obstruction often leads to death of the driver and passenger on front seat. However, you never wondered how the body must be possessed in order to survive in serious accidents? Australian traumatologists, surgeons and other physicians are several months calculated how such an individual would look, after which sculptor Patricia Picchinini created a model invulnerable to traffic accident of a man named Graham.

A photo from open sources

Despite the fact that in our eyes he looks like a terrible freak, his The body is ideal for driving a car. In a terrible car accident which would kill any inhabitants of the Earth, even the most powerful and enduring, Graham would have easily survived. Specialists from Australia report that each of us must compare ourselves with this mutant and realize how fragile and vulnerable our bodies are on the road with busy traffic.

Immune to traffic accidents

Graham is completely devoid of neck and has a massive head, similar to real helmet. She is able to take on and absorb everything blows. The skull of a hypothetical earthling has so thick walls that such a driver will not suffer, even if with a huge force hit his head on the windshield. Mutant brain, besides everything among other things, also protected by an abundant amount of ligaments and spinal liquids. In the event of a collision, all this will easily save the head organ of the central nervous system of a man. Graham’s auricles, as you see in the photo, do not go beyond the head, but deprived the cartilage nose is small – just such as not to to suffer in an accident.

A photo from open sources

On the body of the mutant there are bags of fat protecting his ribs from fractures, while Graham’s chest in itself is extremely powerful, thanks to which his heart is reliably protected. Chest the driver resembles an armored vest with many pillows safety, reducing forward impulse upon impact.

A photo from open sources

Experts suggest that over time, if automobile transport will not undergo significant changes, man indeed can evolve to a certain extent by capturing such protection, and therefore – similar ugly from our point of view view of the body. For example, aliens more adapted to life on their planets, we also seem to be freaks, especially reptilians. Well, as for the modern appearance of man, it remains only rely on the responsibility and care of drivers who completely defenseless against a road accident, even despite all safeguards that help survive or not stay not everyone is crippled …

Australia Drivers Life

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