Photo from open sources
It turns out that any multi-digit number can be easily represented in form a musical row and play it. That’s exactly what I did American pianist David Macdonald.
In the proposed video you can see and hear how the musician It plays not some classical melody, but the mathematical number Pi. The pianist made this record with an accuracy of one hundred twenty-two characters. after a comma.
It’s interesting how they would perceive this “musical work” residents of one of the states of America where the number Pi (length ratio of any circle to the diameter of the circle) in view of its too large difficulties, it was decided by law to consider not 3.14 … but rounded up – 4. As you can see, in American lawmaking there is such an absurdity meets. Thus, Americans are depriving themselves not only of respect with side of the whole world, but also a beautiful melody performed by talented compatriot. It seems that the number 4 maestro is unlikely whether he would have performed as a melody – nothing more than a single sound …
Since, the number Pi can be represented as 3.1415 …, then 14 March (the third month) of 2015 (the fifteenth in this century) of the year, it’s time to listen to this wonderful melody, let it be written much earlier, but it’s no coincidence that almost all great people possessed the gift of foresight …
And here you can see the comments and some decoding of how a melody is born from ordinary mathematical numbers, say the number Pi considered by us. By the way, there are very funny facts about the number Pi.