What else is Einstein interested in besides theory relativity?

What else is Einstein interested in besides the theory of relativity?A photo from open sources

Einstein’s breakthroughs in 20th century physics made him the most famous scientists in the world. This recognition is well deserved! Its common theory of relativity, which was first published 100 years back today still inspires physicists to new discoveries.

However, Einstein’s talent proved not only in the famous theory – it turns out there are a number of other brilliant ideas scientist.


In 1870, British chemist William Crookes created a radiometer in form of a windmill placed in a glass flask. When the blades of the radiometer were exposed to sunlight, artificial lighting and even the warmth of the hands, they began to rotate in one side, when there was no heat source, the other.

The design was so intriguing to Einstein that he spent a lot of time trying to figure out the principle of her work. Finally the scientist solved a part of the puzzle and came to the conclusion that the molecules, falling on the warm side of the blade, faster repelled from it edges and at the same time create the necessary pressure for rotation.

Air cooling

Einstein is perhaps best known as a theorist. However few who knows that a scientist loved to conduct various practical experiments.

For example, together with physicist Leo Szilard, Einstein developed a new cooling method for which it was not necessary to use engines, moving parts or coolant. Having analyzed the fact that water boils at lower temperatures at lower pressure, Einstein had the idea the idea is to put on a burner flame, which is under the vapor of ammonia, butane flask. Since ammonia vapors create low pressure, they lowered the boiling point of butane, but since butane for its boils draws energy from the environment – it is parallel to it and cools.

Gravity Lens

Another positive feature of the scientist was that Einstein evaluated ideas, not regalia and the fame of their owner.

When the poor amateur engineer Rudy Mandl came to an outstanding physics with the idea of ​​gravitational lenses, Einstein drew on it Attention. Mandle, who studied Einstein’s theory of relativity, believed that if an object located in space is enough the large, light around it can bend from all sides, creating a kind of gravitational lens.

Today, this method of calculation is the basis of modern astronomy, and is used to detect exoplanets.

Bose-Einstein Condensate

When the then-unknown Indian physicist Chatyatranat Bose showed a scientist an alternative method for calculating photon statistics (particles of light), Einstein quickly realized that if particles of matter (bosons) are cooled to absolute zero, all of them will be indistinguishable. This, in essence, means that the collection of particles will be act as if it were only one big particle that will form a completely new state of matter.

This is a state of matter having zero viscosity, currently time is known as the Bose-Einstein condensate.

Do you know why Einstein showed the language in the photograph?

Einstein time

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