A photo from open sources
Any inquisitive person who decides to find out what located in the center of the earth will be upset. For that which hides the interior of our planet, not even academic science knows. Versions about the structure of the Earth – as many as you like, but the facts, their confirming – alas, no. There is confusion and reeling. But because some pundits are even inclined to believe that our planet inside is hollow and inhabited! Tell how everything is on the very in fact, the famous traveler, geologist, leader agreed expeditions “Russian biogen” Alexander Borisovich GURVITS. – Alexander Borisovich, so what is still under us kicking? – A paradox, but no one can answer this question of living people. Meanwhile, penetrate the true picture the structure of our planet is extremely important. After all, a solution will allow scientists understand the laws of natural phenomena occurring in the depths of the Earth. A knowledge of these laws will make it possible to predict in advance natural disasters, because tornadoes, earthquakes and tsunamis – this is just an echo of the deep processes of the planet. Over the past 25 years rampant elements in one form or another affected a good half of the inhabitants of the globe. The death toll from natural disasters annually increases by 4.5%, victims – by 8.5%, and economic losses – by 11%. Disaster prediction complexity lies in the fact that all attempts to penetrate deep into the Earth do not crowned with success: drilling stopped at a depth of 3 km, further advancement became impossible due to ore emissions gas. The deep drilling method allowed to penetrate into the bowels of the earth on 12.3 km, with the remaining center still as much as 6300 km. – And what prevented the drilling of a well to the center Of the earth? – Attempts to penetrate the mantle of the Earth were made, and not once. The first two ultra-deep wells were drilled in the state Louisiana in North America. Pragmatically fearing possible emergency situations, project managers equipped the well meter-diameter casing pipes extending to a depth of 1 km. A a special concrete plant was erected next to the rig, which in case of accidents would feed a quick hardening solution into the casing. Before at a depth of 9 km, the well was drilled as usual. But then arose problems: signs of internal pressure began to appear, and drilling mud “contaminated” with hydrogen sulfide. Drillers started joking that they got to the underworld. And here, as if to confirm them words, from a depth of 9.6 km molten sulfur fell from the well. Passers-by began to lose consciousness. Fortunately worked automatic protection. The emergency shutters closed. A concrete the plant ensured the supply of special solution to the casing – well managed to close. – And our scientists tried to get to the underworld? – All these experiments took place in the last century, and, of course, the USSR could not help but answer the challenge. But also domestic drillers suffered the same sad fate. While drilling wells “Kumzha-9” on the Pechora river in the Arkhangelsk region, despite to a favorable forecast of geophysicists, from a 7-kilometer depth from the wellhead unexpectedly hit a powerful fountain of gas, oil and drilling mud. Yes, so much that the drill just flew into the zone abnormally high reservoir pressure. Pipes from a drilling rig scattered in different directions. A fire started – a torch flashed 150 meters high. It was impossible to get close to the well. IN As a result, the torch was able to be extinguished only with the help of underground nuclear explosions. After extinguishing the fire, a drilling site appeared 76-meter rock: it froze and under the influence of fire turned into clay clay drilling fluid. Sorry, then this monument demolished. Kumzha-9 Photos from open sources From the griffins of well No. 9 so far then oozing oil.
Photos from open sources – Really no one managed to penetrate into the bowels of the earth deeper than 7-8 kilometers? “Well, why?” The most instructive for geologists, geophysicists and even biologists became an example of an ultra-deep well on the Kola Peninsula in the area of the village of Nickel. On the so-called SGS-3 was installed hitherto unsurpassed world record for drilling to a depth of 12.3 km The place for the mine was chosen by a special institute of geophysics, and on GHS-3 itself in the Soviet years employed 520 people. (Today them about 50 left.) According to preliminary data, sinkers should were to raise to the surface samples consisting of basalt, and than deeper, the denser the mineral should have been. Subject to weather conditions The polar regions above the oil rig built a closed cover in the form of bell tower 102 meters high. All drilling areas were best automated and mechanized, moreover between all divisions a telephone and radio communication. And the “bell tower” was equipped with microphones. Up to 7 km drilling went as usual. The only “but” was the increase temperature. Surprises began at a depth of 7.5 km. Temperature in face, where the drill directly came into contact with basalt, increased to 100 degrees, and the density of the samples raised by surface decreased by 20%. It definitely said about approaching voids. After analyzing the samples, geochemists found hydrogen and helium in them, and biologists – unknown bacteria. Since the bacteria were dead, they were called aerophobic, i.e. fearful of air. Suddenly the drill jammed tight. Immediately started to the sinking of the second trunk. And at a depth of 8 km the temperature rose already up to 120 degrees. Basalt became porous, bacteria count increased and … accident again. But no one dared to stop drilling, because it was about the prestige of the state. Instead of ordinary steel pipes undertook to use new ones made of high-strength steel, the drill was made of molybdenum, the diamond grains were replaced with artificial elbor material that surpassed diamond in fire resistance, strength and hardness. Finally, the seventh wellbore reached a depth of 12,240 meters. And then the inexplicable happened. At night, when there were only an engineer on duty, a mechanic and an electrician, the drill jammed again. The machine paused, and broke the silence strange noise from the well. Something went up the trunk very quickly from the depths of the earth to the surface. Suddenly there was a light clap and something came out of the casing … Each of the three witnesses This event saw something of its own: a shadow, a cat and a bat. At this incomprehensible creature swore loudly, rose up spiral to the top of the drill tower and then planning back down, flashed into the well. – Maybe people just something dreamed of overwork? – Everything could be written off on hallucinations, if not for the microphones recording the incident from beginning to end. This extraordinary event was reported on the radio. “Lighthouse”, and in the newspaper “Trud” appeared a small note describing incident. And note, all this happened in the USSR in the 1980s! By the way, everyone can listen to this “record of the underworld” – she posted on a special English-language website on the Internet. – What happened next? – Unfortunately … nothing. Brigade sinkers has been disbanded, and all registry entries sent to Gokhran. Until 1992, the GHS-3 still tried to continue drilling, but it was not possible to go beyond the mark of 12,262 m. – But why are all explorers of the earthly depths haunted by failure, where lies the root of evil? – In all cases of super-deep drilling drifters acted competently and professionally. The error lay in originally controversial hypothesis about the structure of the earth’s interior. After all, by In fact, the scientific and instrumental study of the structure of the Earth began only at the beginning of the XX century – with the development of the science of seismology and with the invention a seismograph recording the oscillations of the earth’s surface. American scientists G.F. Reed and X. Reid hastened to apply this a new word of technology in practice. And as a result of long observations and numerous experiments have concluded that on the surface of the earth light rocks occur, and in the depths – heavy. – looks is logical. – Yes, such a scientific interpretation of the structure of the upper layers The geologists, mineralogists and petrographs really liked the globe. And the fact that rock samples were delivered to the laboratory The raid from the mines with a depth of only 300 meters did not bother anyone. Deeper then no one looked in anyway.
Photos from open sources – Really everyone agreed with statement of the Americans and none of the scientists even tried to challenge him? – Such scientists, of course, were. One of them – world famous academician Vladimir Obruchev. He developed a theory hollow earth. But by that time, the Reid-Reed concept tightly established itself in geology. So Obruchev was able to talk about the hypothesis only on the pages of his novel “Plutonium”, very, by the way, popular in the USSR. So, according to Obruchev, the Earth is not a homogeneous body, and a hollow ball, inside which floats in zero gravity dwarf – a small sun, which surpasses basalt in density hundreds of thousands of times! – Yes, but from the school course of geography we are all know that the core of the earth is made up of iron and nickel creating around planets magnetic field … – Yes, this is still being taught at school today. However, at universities, professors add that there are also nuclear reactions, which in theory should destroy the magnetic field. It turns out that the Earth is a cooling and calming ball, and periodic eruptions of volcanoes and earthquakes – this last convulsions of the planet. – So, Obruchev was wrong? – Just the opposite. He was close to unraveling the mystery of the Earth’s core, as nobody else! However, it must be admitted that the theory of a hollow earth does not new. In the XVII century, it was already voiced by Edmund Halley, who claimed that our planet is three spheres nested one into another, which may well be populated. And in the eighteenth century the greatest mathematician of all time Leonard Euler, solving equations celestial mechanics, calculated that the Earth is hollow. – And what version seems the most interesting to you? – Until you get the results, proven empirically, talking about something is definitely impossible. But, on the other hand, today it’s already clear that modern fundamental theories raise more questions than answers. And all the theory of the German physicist and geologist Peter Paul, for many years trying to create a unified theory the origin and development of the Earth. His version looks like this. Originally there was a certain energy information sphere. Around her a framework was formed on which synthesis subsequently occurred matter, magma appeared, and the planet acquired a body. Further Earth developed according to the principle of a multi-layer cake. First an atmosphere and crust are formed, separated by emptiness. Further the inner mantle follows, the outer mantle, then the earth’s crust again, where we live, and again the atmosphere. The most entertaining thing on the inner layers may well be mountains, rivers, forests, deposits mineral. And these layers themselves may be several. So that legends of gnomes that have gone underground may well be reality. By the way, the version of the Field very organically incorporates many theories of the structure of the planet – both western and domestic. Paul even suggested ideal places for drilling entrances to the inner layers of the earth. In his opinion, they are in area of the North Pole, where the magma layer is either very small, or absent altogether. – And yet, what is the verdict of scientists today: what does the earth conceal within itself? – Not so long ago – in the 1990s – in physics has a new direction – ether dynamics, considering ether as the next level of organization after elementary particles matter. Ether, as you know, was “canceled” by theoretical physicists in the beginning of the XX century – and in vain. Because from the point of view of a new science ether is a real gas that can and should be studied, and much thus it will be possible to explain. According to the latest developments in ether dynamics, our planet is in constant energy-information exchange with the universe. It has already been proven that to Earth light from stars is flying from all over the cosmos, which is being transformed solar panels into electrical energy. Together with him to our the planet is a stream of protons, or proton gas, which scientists called the ethereal wind. By faults in the earth’s crust, by cracks in it penetrates the womb of the Earth, and it … grows! Her weight, by according to some sources, it is increasing by 500 tons every second. Of course, due to this, the distance between the continents also grows. It has been proven that every year America swims away from Europe by two centimeter. Therefore, fans of ether dynamics are convinced that the Earth inside filled with dense ether and hollow. But closer to plasma is formed from dense ether – fragments of atoms, forming the plasmasphere, which, in turn, creates minerals, floating in magma or mantle. Well, then – in full compliance with the school program – there are plates of the lithosphere, on which you and I and live. Interviewed by Dmitry SOKOLOV
Earthquakes Fires of the USSR �