What is luck and is it so rare for us attending?

What is luck and is it rarely that it visits us?Photo from open source no one will argue that constant luck it just doesn’t happen, even the greatest lucky ones often suffer from strong “blows of fate”. Another thing is that luck cases in such there are much more people. However, all of us know what luck, because at least once in your life yes he smiles fortune.

These photos capture various cases of luck, which, of course, are not the same in importance, but practically do not differ in the degree of “surprising accident” such an event.

For example, this is how your expensive smartphone should not fall otherwise. in the toilet. Unfortunately, most often it falls differently and without a trace disappears for the user, much to his chagrin.

A photo from open sources

Of course, the nail that pierced the shoes, but not the leg, pleases, although in in this case, and the shoe is a pity – and such a case to a greater extent perceived by us as a nuisance. But in vain …

A photo from open sources

But when the keychain helps out and does not allow the keychain to fail into the sewer – it’s just great! Citizens wear your keys only on massive key chains!

A photo from open sources

But even greater happiness (and in this case similar to a real miracle) can be considered a tree falling on a car and not damaged it for the simple reason that it seemed to grow with one the goal is to bend so that at the right moment exactly repeat its curvature of the outline of a parked car.

A photo from open sources

Additional (accidentally or even purposely put by someone) a bottle of beer in a box can also be considered a fluke, and it doesn’t matter that this is not so significant luck. Small but so a nice gift of fate …

A photo from open sources

But by a fluke, I’ve not punctured a car tire sometimes it’s even hard to notice, and yet it’s all the same – happiness. AND if we knew how many of them, here are such inconspicuous joys happens in our life – you probably wouldn’t complain so much about your fate Remember the parable when a person accuses God that he is not helped him in the most difficult moment when he, dying of thirst and weaknesses, from the last forces wandered along the seashore. To which God replied: these are not your footprints in the sand, it was I who carried you in my arms …

A photo from open sources

A life

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