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The theory of telegony was put forward and substantiated by Aristotle, thanks what in ancient times were forbidden marriages of reigning women with women, who already had sex, for example, with divorced ladies. Aristotle argued that in this case the heirs of the ruler become not purebred, as a woman stores and transfers information about all the men with whom she had sexual intimacy.
Telegonia as a tool for improving biological kind of
Studying Drosophila, scientists found that the female of this fly stores in their genes the memory of all partners, choosing for posterity the most viable genes of males. As it turned out, this is characteristic for all living organisms. For example, dog lovers are well aware that if the bitch was “spoiled” by a purebred male (the path even without the appearance of puppies from this mating), elite offspring are no longer will turn out, even if then you connect this dog with a thoroughbred to animals.
Since a person is no different from all others representatives of the animal world, then the telegony is not alien to him. IN The Soviet Union remembered her only in the sixties, when after the International Youth Festival, which took place in 1958 in the capital of the USSR, Muscovites suddenly began to be born blacks. Therein, that little black girls and boys appeared immediately after an international festival where there were many blacks, nothing nobody saw a strange one. However when the negroes continued appear massively in subsequent years, and family white-skinned couples, here the scientists remembered the telegonia.
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Naturally, all the unfortunate mothers who do not understand why they have Negro children are born, later admitted that in their youth they had sexual intercourse with black men. However, the girls in this case necessarily protected and no consequence, it would seem, from those extramarital affairs should not be. But no, nature has created such a unique mechanism that any female adds to her DNA genes exclusively of all the males with whom she dealt. At conception this natural mechanism somehow selects the most needed (optimal) for evolution genes that may be far from genes of a legitimate husband from whom a woman became pregnant.
Telegonia – the litmus test of innocence of only women?
Professor of the Swedish Institute of Molecular Biology Arthur Mingrame, who has been studying the mechanism of telegonia for many years, argues that female DNA embeds a male gene code even if if sperm does not enter the vagina. Moreover, in in this case, as it does not seem paradoxical, a man and a woman quite vivid platonic ties, because the exchange of information occurs at the biofield level. Scientists conducted an interesting animal experiment. They kept ordinary horses near zebras. And although sexual exchange in this case did not occur, such horses later brought foals with a characteristic striped coloring.
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True, telegonia also works fine at the chemical level. sharing …
It turns out how many women had lovers, so many the possibilities of choosing from them the most advanced biological kind when it comes to childbirth. And the biological father, that is, the one who is directly involved in the conception of a child may not have to hereditary characteristics of the child have no relation.
A photo from open sources
However, do not think that telegony is inherent only in women to individuals, for example, Professor Bonduriansky notes that this is quite applies to males, that is, information about partners in the DNA of men also stored and then transmitted to children through biological mother. So Aristotle, fighting for the purity of the royal kind, deeply mistaken, shifting responsibility in this case only for women. Just the mechanism of male telegonia even more complex and it can generally be said to have not been studied. Today and telegraphy many orthodox scientists reject females. And Telegonia males, I think, the luminaries of our world science, among which most men do not recognize for a very long time …
DNA of the USSR �