A photo from open sources 1 0 place: TV and kitchen – things incompatible. The one who installed the TV in the kitchen becomes unable to control the amount of food consumed, distracted to view programs. 9th place: Those who look fascinating tragedy, eat 28% more than lovers laugh. 8th place: Remove food from eyes. One kind of food or even colorful packaging (like cookies) makes us eat. 7th place: not to eat all the time, food should be hard to reach. Psychologists in general advised to dine in the living room, where there is not a tempting refrigerator, no treacherous vases with sweets. For the same reason, nuts and sunflower seeds are better to buy unpeeled. 6th place: Store products in containers, foil and cling film are useful not only from sanitary considerations. The more actions you need to complete, to get to the products, the less repeated attempts to eat You will be doing. 5th place: Throw away salad bowls and huge plates. It is proved: the larger the total cup, the larger your portion will be. 4 place: Do not eat from deep plates. In them, a person, as a rule, does not can adequately estimate the volume of his portion and takes more. Soup better to eat from special cups. 3rd place: Learn to eat with chopsticks: It is harder, slower and less convenient. And that’s why it doesn’t overeat like a spoon or fork. 2nd place: Do not buy different single product options. As shown by studies of American psychologists, in the presence of several types of the same product in the refrigerator, its consumption increases by an average of 23%. 1place: Buy a good light bulb. Lighting quality is the same as external temperature – significantly affects how much we eat. It is proved that in bright light a person eats much less than with subdued dim lighting. So it’s in your best interest to make where you eat, a good chandelier, and in cafes and restaurants choose window seat.