What scared the flock of monkeys so much?

What scared the flock of monkeys so much?Photos from open sources of

Residents of a small village in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh unexpectedly found a dozen monkeys in a clearing in a nearby forest corpses. Obviously, all 12 monkeys died at once, being close to each other to a friend, however, there was no sign of violence on their bodies. Surprised villagers contacted local department staff wildlife, and experts were sent to the village for investigation of a mysterious incident.

Killing monkeys is a serious offense in India. Many farmers, wanting to protect their crops from gluttonous primates, use poison. Nature conservationists also first thought that the monkeys were poisoned, but an autopsy refuted this hypothesis. History acquired a new mysterious round when it turned out that a pack of 12 animals simultaneously died from sudden cardiac arrest. Experts suggest that primates were frightened by some creature, possibly a tiger, although this is unlikely. To monkeys accustomed to to the neighborhood with big cats, the appearance was so scared predator, and all at once, it’s just hard to believe in such a thing.

The phrase “die from a broken heart” is, by and large, hyperbolic literary stamp. However, doctors report that in the rarest cases when fear for a living creature incredibly strong, possible cardiac arrest due to shock. Not it is possible that in this case everything was just that. But what made unfortunate tailed people pile up and die on the spot? Was it really some kind of monster from a parallel world, let’s say chupacabra or yeti?

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