What shines there in Australia?

A photo from open sources

We already wrote about areas brightly lit in the middle of the night in Central Australia captured during photography continent from NASA satellite. The presence of bright spots of light (“phantom cities “) at night in uninhabited territories of the country worried many. These light spots in the desert areas of the country look so huge that the glow they create is significantly larger of what Australia’s largest cities mark on the continent – Sydney, Melbourne, Perth.

A photo from open sources

On Thursday, December 20, NASA published a new image of one of the most notable mystical flame generators on the continent – Western Australia region. Researchers at the National the US space agency explained that the yakri spot of light, visible in night shots of remote areas – it’s unbelievable huge natural fires destroying scarce vegetation Bush. The enormous size of the territories covered by flames scientists explained by the fact that the data for complexity, 22 days in April and October of the current year, when the satellite Suomi NPC photographed Australia. That is, fires relatively small areas are constantly moving along the sandy deserts in the Central and Western regions of the country, and the satellite on the final picture showed immediately all the areas that the flame covered during the filming period.

Australia NASA Fires

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