What to do if you are bitten by encephalitis mite?

What if an encephalitis tick bit you?A photo open source Encephalitis tick, even if it is not a carrier of the encephalitis virus, the “guy” is quite unpleasant. Both the fact of his bite and the procedure for removing him from skin cover. Even after successfully removing the tick, worries immediately will not decrease, but rather – on the contrary. Some preventive and hygiene procedures, visit Sanitary and epidemiological station (SES) and, it is possible that also a virologist (infectious disease specialist). Tick ​​bite. If you did not notice a tick in time, then, most likely you will not notice the bite itself or notice, but too late. The fact is that a tick during a bite gives off a special fluid that acts on the victim’s body as an anesthetic means. Removing a tick from the skin. There are several ways. extract tick from the skin. The first way. This, for example, drip a little vegetable oil on it. According to the narrator, the tick will begin to suffocate and will itself pull its head out of the skin. I tried – does not work. The second way. The beginning is the same as the first, only after “lubrication” the insect is necessary with tweezers, rotational remove from the bite site with movements. Doubtful, in my opinion, way. If you press on the tick with tweezers, then we get a 100% guarantee that he will inject a large dose of his saliva into the victim’s body, and it is through her that the virus becomes infected. The third way. Removing the tick with a regular thread. Between the body of the parasite and the place where he sucked, you need to throw a thread, after which make a revolution or two around the tick. Tighten the resulting loop slightly on his neck. When all this is done, it is necessary to connect the ends of the thread and with two fingers start twisting it. Do not rush, do it need to be gradually, while avoiding too much tension thread and its sharp twitches. The procedure will take several minutes and is the safest of all named. Actions after extract tick from the skin. You can make an injection of tick-borne immunoglobulin. It is sold in pharmacies at a price of about 35 cu It is necessary to prick at the rate of one milligram per kilogram of weight. This the method is quite expensive and does not guarantee complete protection against disease, simply reduces its likelihood. After removing the tick Do not try to crush it with your nails or cut it with a household knife. Treat the bite site with alcohol, iodine or brilliant green (diamond greens). Then wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Want to be sure in that they are not infected, then there is an inexpensive (1-2 cu) method checks. As soon as you remove the tick from your own skin, immediately head with him to the SES (sanitary and epidemiological station) and take it for analysis. It takes one to two days, depending on laziness the staff there. But in your hands you will have a conclusion qualified expertise. If everything is in order – well, if no, then as soon as possible consult your doctor – virologist (infectious disease specialist). Symptoms of encephalitis. The incubation period of encephalitis is two to four weeks. The main symptoms of a virus infection include fever, body aches, frequent headaches. If any observed, do not postpone – immediately to the clinic! Want to guarantees? Get vaccinated. The so-called vaccine prevention protects you and instills a stable immunity to encephalitis bites tick for a long time. This prevention includes several stages of vaccination. The first is in the fall, around October. The second – in the spring, in March. After that, you can safely go to the woods. The third vaccine is given in a year, and all subsequent ones – with an interval of three years. Children can also do similar vaccinations. To do this, be sure to consult a doctor. I can only say that the price of a child depends on the country of origin vaccines (from 4 to 12 cu), as well as the age limit – from one year up to twelve years old. Be careful and stay healthy!

Viruses Time

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