Photos from open sources of
There is such an amazing calling – to be an operator. Is not profession, namely vocation. Before, when people didn’t have modern compact video cameras (almost every pocket), such people were called chroniclers or documentaries. The most amazing feature of the operator is that he is ready sacrifice your own life in order to capture something unique and rare.
This is akin to modern insanity – selfie. Operator calling is also ready for a unique picture or video for the most crazy and deadly acts, that’s just it is not at all cares whether his own face will be in the frame. That’s what I did an American who filmed an amateur camcorder in 1977 from the car of a strange beast approaching him, rather a werewolf, filmed until this monster gnawed his throat, and then completely tore into pieces.
Rescuers found this a bit later, but neither they nor experienced hunters failed to track down and neutralize the monster – he seemed to melt into space. Therefore the cops just recorded in the report that a person died as a result of an attack on him werewolf.
A photo from open sources
The documentary “Werewolves. Code of the Beast” is interesting because two points of view clash with him. On the one hand, your opinion say orthodox scholars who are trying to prove that werewolves are just hypnosis, on the other – esotericism and mysticism, for whom werewolves are reincarnated people in various animals.
Of course, it is difficult for an inveterate materialist to imagine how this a person can turn into the same wolf or tiger. However, even with point of view of modern physics, we are all just a set of atoms, and better to say – a kind of cast of energies flowing freely in space and time of the universe. And why such a set or cast suddenly can’t change under the influence of some laws that are we still unknown? Or do we already know everything? ..
However, as the paranormal hunters say, when a werewolf knocks on your door, you will believe in him, even if you are thrice materialistic and atheist …