When teeth are out of place

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Sometimes teeth can appear where they should not be. Sometimes there are a lot of such teeth. A number of cases are listed below. completely unnatural arrangement of teeth, and some of these cases are really scary.

1. 232 teeth were removed from a teenager

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Doctors from an Indian hospital find 232 teeth in their mouths 17 year old boy. They were removed during an operation that lasted more than 6 hours. In the dental department of the hospital decided report this case to the Guinness Book of Records as about a large number of teeth extracted from a person’s mouth. Boy, Ashik Hawaii, lives in one of the villages located in the area Amravati.

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About a year ago, his family noticed a tumor on the lower jaw. boy, however, local doctors could not determine what problem. The boy’s family was even afraid that he had cancer. And then Ashik was diagnosed with “odontoma”, that is, benign a tumor made up of teeth. She could cause difficulties with food, with swallowing, and lead to an ugly, although not dangerous, edema faces.

Doctors extracted 232 teeth from a tumor in Ashik’s jaw. Calling it “medical miracle”, doctors said that now the boy normal set of 28 teeth.

2. Doctors extracted a tooth from a person’s nose

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Bleeding from the nose is very common among children and among adults, however, frequent nosebleeds of one the young man had a very unusual reason: in his nose grew tooth. 22 year old man from Saudi Arabia suffered from nosebleeds twice a month for three years.

In the end, he decided to consult a doctor, who discovered in his nose is ivory white, bony mass, about a length 1 cm. The doctor consulted with the dentists, and they came to conclude that the bony mass is actually a tooth that for some reason grew up in the nose. After that, the tooth was removed.

3. A teenager has grown his own vampire teeth

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The Chinese boy grew two very sharp front teeth, in making him look like a vampire. In December 2012 mother named Wang Hui took her son Wang Penfei to the local hospital for examination. Chongqing Municipal Boy After birth is very poorly growing, and in his mouth appeared two sharp fang.

Wang Hui tried to find out the reason for the appearance of the son of these abnormal formations, and visited countless doctors, but it did not bring much success. Doctors from Southwestern Hospital say her son can be done surgery only when he becomes an adult.

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The cost of this operation can vary from 70,000 to 80,000 RMB, that’s about $ 15,000. According to Wang Hui, her son is becoming more and more withdrawn, and often fights with classmates, who whisper about him, or look askance at him.

4. A rare tumor in the baby’s brain turned out to be a tooth

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Maryland 4-month-old baby may be first a person who had a tumor in his brain that turned out to be a tooth. First the doctors suspected that something was wrong when the child’s head seemed began to grow faster than is characteristic of children of his age.

A brain scan revealed a tumor that contained structures very reminiscent of human teeth, usually found in the lower jaw. The tumor has been removed and now the boy is feeling yourself well.

5. Blind person restores vision after implantation tooth in the eye

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Englishman Martin Jones has been blind for a decade. By however, in 2009, he received his sight. It happened after a very unusual medical procedure: doctors implanted him in the eye tooth fragment. It was a fang that doctors pulled out of their mouth. Jones.

At the base of the canine, the doctors introduced an artificial ophthalmic lens, and put this whole design in the eye, allowing such grow the lens to the desired size. More from Martin’s mouth a small piece of skin was taken from which it was later made special flap with its own circulatory system.

In addition, doctors had to reduce the opening in the cornea of ​​the eye, so that it let in less light. This procedure helped restore vision to six patients.

6. A tooth was removed from a man’s ear that tormented him for 3 decades

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A Sheffield man who for decades has suffered from infections and earache, says that now all his suffering is behind, as the doctors finally removed the tooth from its external auditory passage 47-year-old Stephen Hirst initially complained of penetrating pain in his right ear and as a teenager went countless doctors who have tried all these years discover the incomprehensible cause of a mysterious disease.

Stephen says the pain was sometimes so intense that made him scream. This continued until the doctors from Hallamshire Royal Hospital did not find a tooth growing in his ear. Then they deleted it. Doctors still wonder how the tooth could be in the ear canal of a 47-year-old men.

7. The baby was born with 28 teeth

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In 2010, the mother of many children Marta Matoni shocked residents Nyanaruhua County in Kenya, giving birth to a healthy boy with 28 teeth. According to Peter Mumero, a local clinical officer, Mart gave birth to her son James Mwangi right at home.

But after an amazing deviation was discovered, mother and the child was taken to a local medical facility. Now Mwangi is already four years old, it is growing without any complications, and in 8 months old he already ate giteri (a traditional Kenyan dish kitchen).

8. Surgeons discovered 2 teeth inside an eye tumor

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Nagabhushenham Shiva, a 23 year old woman from India, once very I was surprised, like her doctors, when it turned out that two fully formed teeth are located right inside the tumor, which this woman had in her eye since birth. Tumor gradually increased in size over the years. When a woman’s vision began to deteriorate, she turned to the doctors.

Since the treatment of the tumor began late, she already managed to touch optic nerve. This has led the woman to go blind forever. in one eye. However, the surgeons removed the tumor, and during this the procedure showed teeth.

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