Where and how did the human race come from?

Where and how did the human race come from?Photos from open sources How many of us do not know that we all descended from a monkey? So we are taught at school, and no one has canceled Darwin’s theory: apparently she is very happy with the powers that be. Although true scientists have long been dumped her in a landfill: too much hard evidence the fact that such a scenario for the development of life on Earth simply could not to be.

Supporters of an Alien Origin

A photo from open sources

Among them, it is necessary to name first of all the ancestor of this theories – by British scientist John Pope, who says that approximately forty thousand years ago appeared on earth representatives of a more advanced alien civilization. Aliens settled on our planet and even began to enter sexual contacts with the half-wild inhabitants of the Earth. This is exactly what appeared Cro-Magnon, or intelligent man.

Today, John Pope continues, those of us with more alien roots, certainly tall and thin, with long limbs and fingers, and certainly – bright eyes, gray or blue. Such people have high intelligence and often outstanding abilities. From them come poets, scientists, magicians, shamans, prophets and so on. They are the conductors between higher and earthly mind.

In whom there are fewer alien roots – that dark-eyed, stocky and broad-shouldered (or with a wide pelvis – a woman). These people are like created for rough physical work and for reproduction.

Perhaps we are descendants of the Martians

Volgograd boy Borya from those who are called indigo children. He remembers his previous transformations, but the most interesting is not even in that. According to his stories, in a past life he was a Martian. Borya says that there is still life on Mars, only Martians, having survived the atomic war, went deep into the bowels of the planet and now live there. But it was the Martians who at one time contributed the emergence of the human race on Earth. Borya claims that he even remembers Atlantis and personally saw how she perished.

The boy’s stories could be condescending: have read fiction. But Borya says all this almost from infant years, when I didn’t know how to read, while saying such things about which even the most advanced scientists and ufologists of the Earth do not know.

Theory of bacteria from space

A photo from open sources

This is also a cosmic theory, only it proves that life on The Earth did not originate on its own, but was brought to our planet from space in the form of bacteria. The founder of this theory is a scientist Wikramasing believes that life flew to Earth on an asteroid many billions of years ago. Discovery confirms this theory. Indian scientists who recently discovered microorganisms at an altitude of forty kilometers from the surface of the earth, and these the bacteria were alien, not belonging to our planet.

According to Wikramasing’s theory, life in space extends from using bacteria that travel from planet to planet on asteroids and thus colonize new spaces.

Theory of Genetic Engineering

A photo from open sources

According to this cosmic theory, civilization on our planet again generated by aliens from outer space, only in this case they did not enter into sexual contact with the humanoid. They simply engaged in genetic engineering on Earth, first deducing a man, and then on the basis of it – a woman. This proves at least the fact that in the genome of modern man there are about two hundred genes that no other living organism of the Earth has, there evolutionarily they could not get into us. And here is genetic engineering This fact does not contradict.

Proponents of gene theory led by an American scientist Z. Sitchin believes that experiments on the creation of a reasonable person conducted by aliens from the planet Nibiru, which, like Earth, revolves near our sun, but has a very strange – extended and very large orbit. For this reason, one turn Nibiru around our luminary takes place over 3600 earth years.

It turns out that other aliens came to our Earth, in some tragic moment between representatives of different cosmic civilizations disagreements arose on the planet a nuclear war broke out, the traces of which can be found and Today. Only proponents of Darwin’s theory do not need this, and even in to some extent, it’s dangerous …

Torii, theories, and how everything really happened, and where it all came from did the human race go? To some extent the curtain mysteries are revealed for us by the creators of the documentary project “Secrets of ancient civilizations.”

War Life Mars Nibiru

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