One of the forums in the USA describes the story of a 17- year-old girl, on legs which appeared strange characters. Their origin it was not possible to find out. Meanwhile, a mysterious appearance various drawings and figures on the human body are not uncommon. Phenomenon quite common throughout the world and has long been studied researchers paranormal. Posted by American The forum is the girl’s grandmother. She writes that the granddaughter suddenly started complaining of pain and swelling of the legs … Doctors did not find anything. Accidentally, the unfortunate legs hit the lens of a night vision camera, and it turned out that there were strange signs on them, as if tattooed by someone … they seemed to Grandma like runic, but on the web she did not find analogues. Photos from open sources Cases from Russia Perhaps the most early domestic posts on this subject date back to the early 80s. On August 14, 1982, Tambovskaya Antonina I. rested on the shore rivers. By the way, the day was cloudy, although warm. Suddenly a woman the hand was combed. Looking at her, Antonina saw that her hand blushed. Later, the red spot took the form of a leaf. Looking to heaven, a woman saw a disk hanging there at high altitude pale pink, from which emanated short white rays. Gradually, he began to decrease in size and, finally, disappeared. The redness on the arm was asleep by evening, but the outline of the sheet remained on skin. He disappeared only five years later, and all this time Antonina’s hand it was as if electrified: it was worth touching it, sparks flew … In August 1990, on the shoulder blades of a resident of the village Masani of the Chernihiv region Lyudmila T. formed two dozen purple rings the size of a two-copeck coin. Inside one of they could see a distinct sign in the form of an arrow. Before this, Lyudmila several times I saw from the window a strange bright object, similar to soccer ball … In the morning of January 29, 1993 Kostromich Andrey A. noticed on the inner surface of the right elbow joint pattern consisting of an inverted plate, unit and ring with a diameter of about 2 centimeters. Wavy waves emanated from the plate lines, part of which bent and passed through the ring. Similar the story happened in 1997 with a 12-year-old resident of Tbilisi Tatiya Elerdashvili. According to the girl’s story, somehow she danced in front of a mirror, and suddenly it seemed to her that she “jumped out” twisted a ray that began to “touch” to the chest, neck and stomach. Passed for several months, and once Tatia felt a burning sensation all over her body, so strong that she screamed. Crying parents saw that a relief pattern of a cross appeared on the daughter’s neck, on chest circumference with rays diverging from it, and on the stomach – image including curved lines similar to treble and bass clefs, as well as various geometric figures. Pictures managed to photograph journalists.
A photo from open sources N. Sevvdova reported in 1990 that happened to one of the residents of Predy (Latvia) when she was 36 years old ago, she was resting with her husband by the lake: “Suddenly she felt that someone bit or pricked her in the right shoulder blade … I thought that wasp. The husband hardly distinguished the point-tubercle. And in a few weeks on a bright pink pattern appeared: three fluttering in a circle butterflies. The pattern is still preserved. True, it turns pink only in the summer when exposed to sunlight. And the rest time of year it turns pale – lighter than skin. “Some cases may connect with UFOs In 1990, in the Krasnodar Territory, it happened a massive epidemic of “abnormal tattoos.” According to Petra M., a sign on his body appeared after contact with aliens – man, woman and dwarf. They offered a man a ride with them in his ship, which looked like a “ball of fire.” Peter refused, but asked to leave something in memory of meeting. After that, a drawing appeared in his hand in the form a sickle that could not be washed away. The 12-year-old Krasnodar Sasha in the morning several times on the body appeared symbols similar to hieroglyphs. They appeared in different places – on the forehead, on the torso, on legs … True, gradually, during the day, “erased”. Boy He told me that he had repeatedly seen a certain a bluish-transparent entity with its head touching the ceiling. 21st of June 1990, 53-year-old Anna Ivanovna S., who spent her vacation in campground on the banks of the river Lielupe, went in the morning to beach. I spent about two hours there, even took a nap. In a dream like her claims to have seen an “ethereal man” and communicated with him. On the the next day I felt a burning sensation in the area of the right shoulder blade. And there – as a burn mark in the form of a branch with bright red leaves. A day later, the skin peeled off, itching remained. And – a sense of inner anxiety, anxiety. Besides, when Anna Ivanovna arrived home, all the clocks that were in the apartment – wall and wrist, mechanical and electronic, – began to go forward exactly on half an hour. Anna Ivanovna took them to the workshop. There they checked and found adjusted exceptionally precisely, so in a hurry they would should not … September 1, 1990 at the pensioner N. Gurskaya living in Kiev, on the inside of the forearm of the left hand appeared Letter W composed of red dots. She was photographed, and a few minutes later the sign disappeared. On the evening of October 2, she saw on the right hand is a small red dent. From her and almost to the elbow was a semicircular line, inside – a smaller semicircle. The woman was alarmed by all this, for a long time she could not sleep. At four at one in the morning the sign disappeared, and she immediately fell asleep. Remembered strange dream: “I stand, and a tall man in blue is walking towards me robes. I felt that an unknown force was pulling me towards him. Right here woke up. “October 31 at seven in the evening N. Gurskaya with her daughter and son-in-law drove in a car. Here is her story about what happened to her. -Suddenly on the right side in the sky we saw a big red star, which was below the rest. She seemed motionless to us, and we watched her for more than two hours. Then I still I thought: again there will be signs. After all, tomorrow is the first number! So is it came out.
Photos from open sources November 1, 1990 signs appeared on in the hands of both mother and daughter. My daughter had on her left hand depicted as if a twig of a Christmas tree six centimeters long, on the right – three converging lines. Mother has a bucket on her left hand. Just on this time, for some reason, all the signs were white. And finally, the most bright case. It occurred on May 23, 1990 in the village of Scharkhinau, which in the famous in the circles of researchers of anomalous phenomena Gissar area of Tajikistan. Tells seventh grader Dina Shakirova: “In II in the morning I came home from school. Suddenly it got really hot my head ached. She went to the window – something blinded me. I open my eyes and see: a luminous ball the size of our room. The hatch opens. Inside the ball is light. Back to me two robots are sitting in some kind of metallic clothes. A on the side is a woman – I realized that from a figure in a black and white dress – and looking at me. Unpleasant face, attached to the side of the head some object, perhaps a device … The woman snapped something, and I I heard, as if inside me, a dull mechanical voice: “You will fly with us. “I didn’t want to! But then I lost consciousness. When I woke up, first thing I felt was pain in my right leg. “To the hospital, the girl delivered an ambulance. Measured pressure – 140 to 90, high for her age. I was very excited, my hands are cold, the pupils were dilated, she kept repeating: “Flew, flew!” On the the right leg above the knee is an orange in color, like a burn. The pattern is smooth, not embossed, and is not washed off with alcohol. Even leave Dinah’s story on her conscience, then impressive objective indicators of her condition and the appearance of the picture – as if a man with a radiant solar circle overhead … Maybe lightning? Some researchers attribute this phenomenon to failure. lightning bolts. So, in May 2011, 10-year-old Erin Moran from the town Murphyr Tudfil (South Wales) struck by lightning as she watched thunderstorm from the attic window. She remained alive, but soon began complaining to parents about pain in the left shoulder and thumb. I had to deliver the girl to the hospital. “She got a pattern on a forearm resembling a tree branch, but Erin says it’s more like a snowflake, ”says the girl’s father. – She has there’s also a red dot on the foot where, apparently, the lightning came out, going straight through her body. The doctors in the hospital were completely amazed, firstly, by the trace on her shoulder, and also by the fact that she this stayed completely healthy! “Plus, weird images appeared on the body of people not only during a thunderstorm. They arose and in open and closed areas of the body in any weather, in the open air and indoors … Ufologists believe that the explanation for the phenomenon lies beyond the usual picture of the world for us, and connect it with space aliens or inhabitants of parallel dimensions. True, the question remains – why do they need us in this way “tag”? Maybe just to declare its existence?
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