Photo from open sources
Of course, in the world without a trace and, moreover, in huge quantities both adults and children disappear, but the disappearance of minors most worried about society. It is for this reason that in 1998 even the International Center for Missing organization was created & Exploited Children (ICMEC) – International Center for the Search for the Disappeared children.
Now ICMEC includes more than a hundred countries of the world, however, as say employees of this organization, even their center cannot assemble objective data, how many children disappear in the world in a year. Today a terrifying figure is called – 8-12 million a year, but even it can be significantly underestimated.
And if we consider that no less adults disappear, then by the most conservative estimates, over the past 50 years the world has disappeared without a trace a billion people on the planet. The question is, where?
However, the ICMEC data collected on missing children is not entirely reliable, that is, incomplete. The fact is that the search for the disappeared hard, although sometimes still useless, engaged only in developed countries. In the states of Africa and Asia, this work sometimes not at all. As for adults, their loss and not a single international organization is involved at all, and therefore statistics on this issue are very rough. That’s it turns out – in half a century a whole billion inhabitants of the Earth disappeared, and maybe more …
There are many theories about this: for example, children are stolen pedophiles, medical facilities – for organs or fresh blood, they steal babies even for cannibalism. However 8-12 million missing minors per year, and disappeared without any trace (in spite of a thorough search for many special services), this is too much a lot for such barbaric needs.
Conspirologists put forward their fantastic theories, for example, the need for slaves and fresh food, which as a tribute from our Earth aliens are taken in the form of children. However, adults in these the snare gets a lot. Finally, people can just “fail” to parallel worlds …
Proponents of a world conspiracy also believe that in a barbaric way, the Illuminati may well regulate the number of inhabitants of the planet without even resorting to world wars. Moreover, they kill two birds with one stone – and the problem of overpopulation Earth is being solved, and there is always living material for all kinds of experiments and experiments. Scary, but such is our society. And if even discard all fiction and speculation, the very fact of the loss of people in huge quantities remains, and explain it simply random for obvious reasons, no disappearances it turns out …