Photos from open sources According to esoteric knowledge, we leave part of our souls to objects, for example, a huge absorber of spiritual energy is a mirror. Also, any image of a person takes yourself is part of his energy. But if in former times as such a cast of the soul could play a portrait, for example, written from a person, with the invention of the photo, the replication of the prints of the soul turned into an ordinary phenomenon, the consequences of which no one until the end knows.
The circulation of photographs with the advent of our life of mobile gadgets with built-in digital cameras, so even a concept like selfie. Naturally, the World Wide Web played in this replicating your role as the main violin, making millions photos today literally flooded the Web. And none of the lovers selfie doesn’t even realize how dangerous it can be for a person Become his public photo.
For example, esoteric photography can easily determine if a person is alive. or not. But with the help of such an energy channel one can not only follow the state of a person, but also influence for example, bewitch him, let the disease go, or even just “assign” a person a quick death. Of course, they know how to do it rare people – sorcerers, witches and magicians, however, if your photo is walking According to the Web, the ill-wisher can easily find such a sorcerer that use your easily accessible picture to your own detriment.
A photo from open sources
The new documentary “Abduction of the Soul” addresses conditions of exposure to a person using various casts of him souls, for example, through dolls, which is customary in ancient religion – Voodoo practiced by many African tribes. This technique voodoo is widely publicized by Hollywood filmmakers horror films. Particular emphasis is placed on how to use Voodoo rites through dolls a person turns into a zombie.
No less interesting are stories about artists who purposely or not of his own free will, but thanks to some given by him from above to the curse, they stole the souls of those whom they painted, after which these the unfortunate were dying. For example, the most striking example of such mystical impact on everyone who posed for the portrait painter, considered the work of the great Russian artist Ivan Repin.
A photo from open sources
She is famous for her mystical influence on the audience and the unique Mona Lisa brush by Leonardo da Vinci. Ministers of the Louvre, where this is a masterpiece of painting, it has long been noticed that if the picture is for some reason is not exposed, then the colors fade on it. But it costs her to “go out into the people”, and she seems to come to life, starting to play refreshed palettes. It is believed that Mona Lisa is simply fueled by the energy of their enthusiastic admirers.
About these and many other mysterious and at the same time instructive (especially for selfie lovers) stories see documentary project “Abduction of the soul”, opening the curtain to the unknown world Through the looking glass – a world that remains a mystery to us behind seven seals until our death. However, what will be revealed to us beyond this line the inevitable transition to another world, we can only guess…
Dolls Artists