Who and why walled up a thousand human teeth

Who and why walled a thousand human teeth into the wallA photo from open sources

Last week, workers in the US city of Valdosta, state Georgia, were struck to the core when during the repair one of the old commercial buildings was unexpectedly discovered in his the wall of hundreds of human teeth.

At least a thousand fangs, incisors, molars and premolars were walled up on the second floor of the structure.

Eyewitnesses were not only surprised, but also scared of such find. What if a maniac ripping somewhere nearby lives to their victims teeth and secretly storing these trophies here? Workers immediately called the police. Militiamen who arrived at the call they took with them all the teeth they found and began an investigation. TO fortunately, it was limited to studying the history of the building.

It turned out that at the beginning of the last century a dentist worked here. Apparently, it was this dentist who hid his teeth removed patients in the wall. But why did he do that? Was he lazy dispose of medical waste, as many others do Doctors? Or is it something else, more mysterious?

A photo from open sources

Soon, seniority in law and order determined that in the 1900s Georgia lived several more dentists who like later it turned out they also collected their teeth customers and hid them in very unusual places. For example, one the dentist covered them in the ventilation shaft, and the other filled them with teeth empty desk drawer.

It is unlikely that in those days (and at any time) it could Be a common practice among dentists. The most it’s amazing that these gearworms, as they were often called at the beginning last century, lived at a considerable distance from each other and they were hardly suddenly acquainted with a friend in order to share their unusual “experience” of collecting teeth. In general, a little secret, which has remained a mystery since asking a long time ago dead dentists, which drove them into this strange gathering, does not seem possible…

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