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“Larva” is a Latin word and means something like a ghost, but occultists call astral parasites LYARVA – this is man’s inner desires. They are generated by man himself energy and his desire breathes life into him. It so happened that a person has the creative power to give birth to energy forms. Therefore, all that he can wish for or imagine immediately appears in the energomir. Larva is an energy ball that parasitizes on the human biofield. It is in this form that the desire that gave birth to him. This is the same “demons and devils” Christians who whisper in your ear all kinds of vicious thoughts and seduce on an unrighteous path. In all the myths of the peoples of the world there is mentions of these small Spirits: among the Indians it is the Rakshazas, among the Egyptians – this is the spirit of the house of Bes, among the Romans – Lara, the spirits of helpers, Cupids and Cupids – spirits of lust, Jews – guardian angels and angels seducers. As soon as you want something, immediately your energy turns into an energy clot that exists as long as you do not satisfy your desire. Continuous satisfaction of one desire creates a habit that can develop into passion. Then the larva, which has settled in the aura of man, can itself produce larvae and move on to other people. All desires are invisible energy forms that exist around people and in their aura. They are created and continue to be created every second by the people themselves. Larva is the result of the life of people in the energy world. therefore larvae filled the whole living space and are present everywhere since can exist for quite some time: from 5 seconds to infinity, if there is a person nearby who feeds them energy. But sensitive people can see them as dark spherical clumps adhering to the biofield of people. Everyone has Larva people and most of them can be seen in the head, chest and spine, which is most often the cause of malaise in this body area. If the larva penetrated deep into the protective energy shells of the aura of a person, it can be said that this person obsessed with this larva that represents some vicious passion this person, for example: alcoholism, drug addiction, fanatical Passion for a hobby or mania, with psycho-disorders. If such man can’t get rid of this larva, then in the future he becomes obsessed with this vicious passion and spends all his strength on it satisfaction because completely loses conscious control over by myself. Larva – desires in the life of people All larva created by ourselves people and generations of those people who lived before us. All people want and desire satisfaction, enjoyment and pleasant sensations – therefore the process of birth and existence of larvae is eternal. Due to the fact that people exactly repeat the experience of previous generations, they control not reason, but habits and desires. The mind of people in this case, only helps to choose between desires, i.e. instead of evaluate and chart appropriate actions, the mind of people monitors so that the cost of anergy for one or another playful passion is not exceeded the critical mark. The cultural level of these people gives the ability to only summarize the negative and positive experiences. At the same time, the mind of people rarely decides for itself, since most often for larvae decide everything for him, what, in fact, to do and how to act.
Angels Life