Photos from open Sources In the New Documentary “Nooks of the Universe” the main issue that you would like to know is considered almost all people – who created us and constantly protects us? AND does it protect at all, if so many troubles happen in life and real tragedies?
If we turn to any religion, then the creators of life on Earth are the gods. But what is God like? After all, for the ancient of man, however, as for the modern one, any higher mind is and there is God. Are there any substitution of concepts? Maybe we are in vain one at a time we put aliens on the side, and divine powers on the other? And on in fact, everything is much simpler – they are one and the same.
And then it turns out that it is aliens – these are the highest forces, that is, the Gods, their assistants in the form of cherubim, archangels and even fallen angels, and so on. And it was they who created us, and watching us throughout our lives, and therefore not enter into that long-awaited contact with us (as they don’t respond to our radio signals into space), since we misunderstand it represent.
A photo from open sources
From this point of view, many other questions are explainable, for example, why higher powers allow so much suffering on Earth. After all, in Christianity (as in any other religion) has a concept human free will, which can be interpreted as a kind cosmic law, which no one dares to violate. And therefore in our misfortunes and troubles are our fault and we alone.
And what about aliens, these guardian angels, are they really not in What do not protect us? But in this we are likely deeply are mistaken, because without such a talisman on our planet for a long time there would have been a nuclear war, yes, probably, other troubles have fallen to Earth, of which we do not even suspect. Not to mention that people are endowed with immortality from birth, and death itself – it is only a transition to another reality. It must be assumed that Christian Hell and Paradise are some conventions by which only settings are given for the development of our soul, but not at all real worlds of eternal suffering or unlimited pleasure.
Angels Life