Photo from open sources
British scientists led by Davej Davenport found documentary evidence of his theory that the oldest the civilization that existed on the territory of modern India was destroyed by aliens using nuclear weapons.
The theory itself arose in the minds of scientists through the study of ancient manuscripts such as Vimanik Prakaranam, Ramayana and so Further. In them, says Dvig Davenport, we came across curious descriptions of divine overlords who flew to Earth in a very fast and terrible car, which destroyed humanity.
According to the descriptions of these ancient sources, the aircraft god metal to earth discharges, the power of the whole universe, explosions from which the authors compared with the flashes of thousands of suns. It is characteristic that and the consequences of these explosions are very similar to the use of nuclear weapons: people burned from them like dry blades of grass, and survivors lost teeth and hair, covered with sores and dying painfully death.
British researchers went to the place of the alleged atomic catastrophe described in these manuscripts, that is, in place a planetary tragedy that occurred several millennia ago, and really discovered traces of a nuclear explosion: fused ceramic fragments, which became less and less as removal from its epicenter.
Today it’s hard to say who were those “deities” who decided destroy earth civilization: aliens who arrived to conquer a new planet and which for some reason the natives prevented, aliens from parallel worlds experiencing new weapons on safe for them spatio-temporal territory or even higher powers that have shown people of that time for some serious sins. Probably only one thing: the nuclear disaster on our the planet has already happened, perhaps more than once, because similar traces of advanced researchers, regardless of everything obstacles of official science, are found in other corners Earth …