Photo from open sources
Today, any sane person, thanks to the Internet, knows that the history of mankind has been written and rewritten hundreds of times in for the sake of the powers that be. At the moment it is easy to observe even on the example of Ukraine, whose authorities intensively rewrite textbooks stories under their nationalist interests. However, not only Ukrainians if you ask the Americans who beat Hitler in WWII, then to your surprise hear that made valiant US warriors on Russia’s role in the liberation of Europe from the brown plague of the twentieth century in America they simply did not hear.
However, far few know that the history of mankind is not just rewritten – it was invented from beginning to end, and such the “correspondence” that we mentioned above is nothing more than “vagaries” of people who seized power in a particular country. IN on the whole, from childhood (from school) we are told that we descended from a monkey who took a stick in her hands and gradually started turn into a reasonable person relatively recently – no more one hundred two hundred thousand years ago.
And no one is surprised that the remains of ancient people, such as Pithecanthropus and Neanderthals, archeologists are extremely rare, we are talking about dozens of bones found in different parts of the Earth, from which anthropologists reconstructed (as they could) of these supposedly descendants of modern man. In this case, tens of tons of skeletons giants, people with elongated skulls and so on, are destroyed or hide in the most hidden corners of the storerooms of museums. Why?
A photo from open sources
It’s believed that the history of mankind has been rewritten by the Vatican, who tried to erase from the memory of people all the memories of former bright civilization in which there was no today’s obscurantism and omnipotence a handful of the rich over billions of disenfranchised people. Moreover, the “wild paganism” is presented as a transitional stage to the modern “civilized society.”
Since people are gradually becoming smarter and more discernible, from the 20th century Academicians of all stripes joined in fooling people. It’s them any objects and archaeological finds that do not fit into invented human history, declared “inconvenient artifacts” and therefore try by all means to hide, destroy, distort them essence.
For example, historians prove to us that the extended skulls of the Indians – This is fashion, following the canons of beauty. However, he is silent here most importantly – where did the canons come from, to whom did the Indians imitate? Then the same thing happens with six-fingered skeletons, orthodox from science unable to explain this fact, and therefore simply destroy such objectionable to them archaeological finds. At the same time, the British, for example, everyone still considers dozens, that is, they don’t have a measure 10, and 12 units. Where is it from? And there are a lot of such examples. Today, for example, it is curious to observe how independent researchers they are bringing out more and more ancient evidence of God, a brighter and more developed civilization.
But why do some conspiracy theorists blame it all Vatican? They come from the fact that all Christian churches are built above “pagan objects” – in places of power and, possibly, even above spatial portals that were erected by aliens, whom the Vatican cleverly turned into his gods, and all their traces are simply hid it. And he rewrote the history of mankind. No coincidence from her flew out, for example, highly developed Slavic people – descendants Hyperborea and more. All that was left was what was needed Vatican for unlimited domination of people. Is it so or not however, today it is well known that in a secret (huge) library The Vatican keeps all the wisdom of our Earth, hidden from of humanity. Moreover, as conspiracy theorists say, one must understand that the Vatican is not the pope. The last is just a protege the public figure of this dark and huge power that has transformed humanity into a society of disenfranchised and miserable slaves …
Vatican Russia