Container with 20 packets of blood plasma containing viruses Group B hepatitis and syphilis, stolen from a car during transport to Nizhny Novgorod Research Institute. Photos from open sources In the suburbs, the police are looking for robbers who stole dangerous blood plasma. Refrigerator container in which 20 packets of 200 ml each were stored, stolen on border of the Vladimir and Nizhny Novgorod regions. – The thieves took advantage of the fact that the driver of the Iveco car stopped at highway near the village of Fominki in the Gorokhovets district of Vladimir areas, – the source in law enforcement bodies told Moscow region. – While the driver was resting, the criminals opened the van and they took the container with blood plasma. To search for the stolen oriented not only the police of Vladimir and Nizhny Novgorod areas, but also law enforcement officers of the Moscow region. – upon detection container ordered to immediately inform the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, – the source specified. Stolen blood plasma like doctors explained, sent to Nizhny Novgorod from the Bryansk region precisely because it contains dangerous viruses. – It happens, when one of the donors does not warn about his illness or suspects about it, but subsequently the virus is detected when recheck and then all the infected plasma is sent to the marriage bank blood, “the doctors said. The infected plasma this time intended for LLC NPO “Diagnostic systems”. – 4.7 liters blood plasma should have been used to isolate antibodies and production of components for the diagnosis of syphilis, – said law enforcement officers director of the NGO Diagnostic Systems Anatoly Burkov. – We have been cooperating with blood transfusion stations for a long time. from various regions of the country, and it was just another batch “marriage of blood.” Burkov also assured that all the plasma was infected. only syphilis, which is transmitted exclusively through sexual contact. However, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, stolen biomaterials also contained dangerous hepatitis of group B. Doctors suggest that robbers may use stolen blood plasma to sell clandestine blood transfusion stations or private clinics.