Why are all cats so up to the boxes of hunting?

Why are all cats so up to the boxes of hunting?A photo from open sources

Place the empty box on the floor, on a chair, or on a sofa and watch how your Murka immediately settles down comfortably at her bottom. Or at least try to get into it …

Have you ever wondered why boxes are so attractive our furry pets?

This is another mystery in the behavior of cats, not fully understood. science. But veterinarians and zoologists studying feline characters and habits, nevertheless have several versions on this score.

It’s probably obvious that cats are hiding in boxes to feel safe and comfortable. If stressful for animal situations leave one group of cats in an empty room, and another to put at the disposal of several cardboard boxes, then cats, those who can hide will feel more confident than those who will not have such an opportunity. For domestic and wild cats naturally desire in a stressful situation to run away, hide, and a cardboard box is ideal for this, creating animal illusion of safety.

For our favorites, it becomes a comfortable place where you can come back again and again (until the box falls apart before your eyes amazed cat). Here you can hide from an angry host, from young children who always squeeze a poor animal, and if consider that cats generally do not like to solve their problems and prefer to just run away from them, then cardboard boxes are universal remedy for cat stress.

If you carefully watched your pets, then probably noticed that cats generally like to choose the most inappropriate for sleep places in the house. Instead of lying with the owner on beds, they will climb onto the TV, hanging their tail on the floor of the screen, or lie down in a suitcase left on the floor, wrapped in freshly ironed master shirts. And all because your adorable Barsik or affectionate Murka just wants to keep warm: in cats the temperature range is higher than that of a person by as much as 20 degrees. Maybe that’s why cats love boxes so much? Maybe they just want curled up in them, keep warm? After all, corrugated cardboard packaging packaging retains heat perfectly.

A box helps cats retain their own body heat, protects them from the unpredictable world of the surrounding apartment. In her comfortable, safe, you can hide in it, sleep and just to relax. And from it it is convenient to make sudden attacks on prey. In the case of domestic cats – on their owner, so that scare this “big monkey” to death.


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