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Women are more likely to tolerate infectious diseases due to that their sex hormones cause overexcitation of immunity, due to causing the immune system to respond inappropriately to infection. The fact that women are more likely to tolerate influenza may be associated with increased levels of female sex hormones. (Photo by db2stock.) For a long time it’s known that the weaker sex suffers more from various infections, but why this happens, it becomes more or less clear only now. It turns out against the female body in diseases this kind of play his own sex hormones. First scientists thought about the relationship between the two for two years back when Sabra Klein and her colleagues at Johns University Hopkins (USA) experimented with mice, trying to figure out how males and females respond to the flu virus. Then it turned out that the females they get the flu harder, but the difference disappeared if the females were removed ovaries, and in males – testes. It could be concluded that the testes protect the body from infection, but it was not at all them. If females with genital glands removed were given genital hormones estrogen and progesterone, their resistance to the virus increased. The problem is that immune cells have receptors to female sex hormones. Again, these receptors are known. long time ago, and because of them, women are thought to be more susceptible autoimmune diseases – because female immunity all the time feels irritation from sex hormones. The same immune over-preparedness can also complicate the course of infectious diseases. For example, with the flu, the viral particles in the female body are less than in men, but the symptoms are worse. This paradox, according to Ms. Klein and her colleagues can be explained by excessive reaction immunity to infection. Female Overstated Immune System sex hormones, triggers an excessive inflammatory response: it destroys the infection, of course, but the body itself also harms. We can say that women’s immunity, not having calculated strength, starts firing cannons at sparrows. Its new results on this Researchers reported on the topic at the annual conference of the Society recently conducted reproductive research in Montreal (Canada). One way to prevent such a violent immune response is to get vaccinated regularly so that the immune system gets used to the pathogen and I wouldn’t panic when a real infection appeared. Moreover, authors believe that a certain positive role can play hormonal contraceptives that help maintain levels sex hormones are normal and prevent menstrual abnormalities cycle (which is known to be associated with regular downturns and hormonal elevations). With seasonal epidemics for women, I think it would not hurt along with anti-infectious take drugs that lower the level of genital hormones. But before moving on to specific clinical recommendations, even more relationship data should be collected female sex hormones, menstrual cycle and female response organism for infection – as scientists themselves acknowledge, research this kind is still very small. Prepared by Nature News. The photo on the screen saver belongs to Shutterstock.