Why do bears desecrate graves?

Why do bears desecrate graves?Photos from open sources of

In the Magadan region, bears unearthed more than thirty graves on Yagodninsky village cemetery. The reason for this is the most trivial – hungry animals eat the remains of people.

But why was this possible? After all, before bears did not looked at this cemetery, and other cases of desecration of graves animals in other burials are not observed. How to set Prosecutorial verification of this fact, all burials that managed to unearth the bears were produced with the grossest violations, that is, hastily and very finely, which attracted animals.

It was established that this concerned just those graves when there were no relatives or other legal representatives who could follow up on this ritual.

On the other hand, this blasphemous fact from our point of view once again proves that in the animal world there are no such concepts like desecration of graves, moral or afterlife punishment for this action and so on. That is all that invented man and bound himself with these moral and religious bonds in hands and feet …

The Bears

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