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Like many other foreign policy experts, me shocked the accession of Crimea to Russia and the ongoing “soft invasion “on the territory of Eastern Ukraine. Pro-Russian demonstration in Berlin marches from the Brandenburg Gate to to the Russian embassy. Source: demotix.com But not only surprise actions of Moscow. Watching the discussion of the Ukrainian crisis in German society, you can find a strange thing: on television there is a real parade of former politicians and public figures who speak out in favor of Russia. According to these “augusts” (among whom are also former chancellors Gerhard Schroeder and Helmut Schmidt), the real aggressors are NATO and the European Union, daring to encroach on territory, which belongs to the sphere of legitimate interests of Moscow. And it seems part of German society shares such views. In some degrees, these pro-Russian moods are a fruit supported by Moscow propaganda. Recent journalistic investigation undertaken by newspaper “Welt am Sonntag”, revealed how the shadow network of Russian Supporters sets the stage for public debate in Germany. Russian-German forums are full of friends even from the German side Putin. But there is one more disturbing fact. Philistines tend to traditional German beliefs. Germany used to count Western European country, but for the most part this point of view formed during the cold war. In the past, Germany occupied unstable position between East and West. Quite possible, that a quarter century after the end of the cold war, German society is again moving away from the West. As shown in last month survey, 49 percent of Germans believe their country should be a mediator between the West and Russia in Ukrainian issue. Only 45 percent unequivocally spoke in favor of the western camp. Anti-Western sentiment comes from both sides political spectrum. Part of the left is unconsciously opposed America and takes the side of any player in the international arena, which opposes the existing system and leadership role Of the West. The right wing, in turn, shares the Russian point view that Europe is moving away from Christianity homosexuality, tolerance, licentiousness of morals. More clearly all this is represented by the Eurosceptic party “Alternative for Germany.” Its members adhere to conservative views rooted in the 19th century. For them hostility towards Western civilization and the idealization of Russia are characteristic, intact by Western values and the free market of capitalism. Both anti-Western trends have existed for decades; however before present time they were the property of the political periphery. Today, some representatives hold similar views. the elite. This fact, multiplied by the huge German investments companies to Russia, limits the possibility of aggressive actions in against Moscow by the government of the pro-Western Angela Merkel. In fairness, it should be noted that in one of In recent polls, 60 percent of respondents said that that Germany needs to unite with the West in the Ukrainian problem. But it all the same means that almost half of Germans don’t feel deep connection with the West and its values - and this is precisely what it wants Putin About the author. Clemens Virgin – International Division Editor Die Welt Policy. Source translation for MixedNews – Natalya Golovakha
Vladimir Putin War Time Germany Moscow NATO Russia