Why do many people wake up every night at 3 hours?

Why do many people wake up every night at 3 o’clock?A photo from open sources

In some languages ​​there is such a thing as “witching hour” or “the hour of the devil.” This belief originates from European folklore, which states that at certain times of the night various supernatural entities like witches, demons and ghosts become especially strong, and black magic is the most effective.

Many believe that this is the opposite of when he died. Jesus Christ. That is, the Savior went to heaven at 3 p.m. and at 3 a.m. in the world now everybody is supposedly walking around devilry.

Be that as it may, 3 hours is exactly the time when many Earth inhabitants wake up nightly. Man unexpectedly opens in the middle of the night, eyes, looks at the alarm clock, understands what to get up it is too early for him, and again falls into sleep (at best). Not less, such a strange pattern begins to seem to him curious or even frightening.

What do doctors say about this

Some of the doctors suggest that the fault is polyphase sleep pattern in which sleep is broken down strictly into several periods, and at 3 am there is a change of one phase to another. The depth of sleep, they say, decreases, and the person wakes up (not everyone, of course). A person’s biological clock can be very accurate, thanks to which the awakening will occur exactly at the same time time.

Other doctors claim that at around 3 a.m. darkness becomes especially thick, which is why melatonin in the human the body regulates and switches the state of sleep, and the individual can break out of Morpheus’s arms every time.

Third healers will tell you that at 3 am a person’s the liver and gall bladder begin to work intensely, producing body cleansing. They, they say, and tear off the owner from the rest.

Maybe still mysticism?

Whatever the reason, people wake up in the witch hour from time immemorial centuries. Therefore, many legends appeared that at this time dark forces dominate the earth. They begin to appear in midnight, and by 3 o’clock their activity culminates moment. Then some demon runs into your bedroom, jumping briskly onto your chest, causing the person to wake up.

A photo from open sources

Devil’s Hour is a special time in occultism and esotericism. It is believed that a competent person can do a lot during this period: turn to the dark forces for help, talk to the dead, spoil someone, fortune-tell, do other magical ceremonies. Sensitive people can not only suddenly wake up in witch hour, but also experience real horror and watch strange visions.

What you should not do in the hour of the devil

There are a number of prohibitions on actions at the time of the devil. For example, in this time is strictly not recommended to leave the house and even more so to be away from your home – you can simply not return back.

Bathing at 3 a.m. is also not worth it: neither in the shower, nor in the bath, nor in sea. It is believed that in this way a person will wash away his fate. Even dirty dishes, if this is lying in your sink, it’s better leave until morning.

According to ancient beliefs, a person born in the witching hour will be unhappy and sick all his life. The woman who gave birth to him, too will begin to be ill and become unhappy.

Combing or cleaning at this time also does not desirable – otherwise you can attract attention unkind entities.


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