Why do mushrooms glow?

Why do the mushrooms glow?A photo from open sources

2300 years ago, the Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle noticed a strange glow that came from a rotting tree in the forest. it luminescence Aristotle called “cold fire”. Maybe it was first recorded observation of bioluminescence in mushrooms (a phenomenon that has been observed for many years in 71 species various mushrooms).

The chemical process by which mushrooms generate light, very mysterious. However, for many years, scientists have been breaking head over other questions: why only some shine mushrooms? What benefits does this glow give them?

In a recently published study by Brazilian scientists, finally, comprehensive answers are provided. In principle, these mushrooms turned themselves into a natural version of a neon sign in a local bar, in order to attract “visitors” – insects that will spread fungal spores. That is, the glow allows mushrooms increase the amount of their species. In addition, with insect fungus can colonize new, not previously available to him habitat.

Researchers also found that mushrooms do not always glow. Them bioluminescence are controlled by the temperature cycle of the circadian hours, which allows mushrooms to save energy when enough dark for activity of lured insects.

Researchers studied Neonothopanus gardneri, one of the largest and the brightest bioluminescent mushrooms that bind to the base of young palm trees in the coconut forests of Brazil.

In order to find out the function of the green glow emitted fungus gardneri, the researchers conducted an experiment. They fashioned fake acrylic mushrooms, then rigged fakes LED flashlights and placed their masterpieces in natural habitat of real mushrooms. As a result, scientists have discovered that light-emitting fake mushrooms often attract attention insects.

A careful study of the luminous mushrooms, as well as the role they play in the forest ecosystem is extremely important! Without these mushrooms cellulose, which affects the entire carbon cycle on Earth, stuck in my form. In addition, as it turned out, not only cellulose decomposition rate, but also life on Earth in many ways depends on these organisms.

Recently it became known that mushrooms have a collective mind.

Mushrooms Insects

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