A photo from open sources
Many people know that Friday the 13th is an unfavorable day, but it was not always. Until the late 1800s, Fridays that fell on The 13th of the month were considered the most ordinary days. When exactly Friday the 13th became a mystical date, for sure impossible. It is known that the idea of the ill-fated day firmly settled in people’s minds in 1980, it was then that the movie was released “Friday the 13th.” Following the film, thematic books appeared, novels, comics. Thus, it is not surprising that Friday, the 13th, was soon overgrown with superstition and speculation. However popularization of the idea of Friday the 13th occurred much earlier, and it was in the late 1800s. Captain william fowler famous a soldier who spoke with former presidents and other famous people, noticed that the number 13 literally haunts him. On the throughout his life, William was constantly faced with this number, but at the same time did not consider that this number is unhappy.
For example, he graduated from secondary school number 13 in New York, fought in 13 battles of the Civil War and more. After analyzing these coincidences, William decided to fight with the people superstitions and created a society called “Club Thirteen.” The first meeting of the club took place on September 13, 1881, though it was not Friday, but Tuesday. Guests walked under crossed stairs, 13 chairs were placed at the table, and everywhere salt is generously sprinkled. In such a simple way, Fowler decided demonstrate your attitude to superstition.
But according to Donald Dossy, the author of the book “Holiday folklore, phobias and entertainment “, the roots of superstition related to number 13, go to ancient mythology. Dossy talked about Norwegian myth, which tells of a dinner party for 12 gods, on which the 13th guest appeared inappropriately. Uninvited guest – the liar god Loki – shot at the god of joy and happiness Balder. IN the story of the Last Supper also speaks of the 13th guest – Judah, who betrayed Jesus.
Regarding the superstitious attitude towards Friday, experts consider that in many respects because it is on Friday crucified Jesus, and also, on Friday, Eve and Adam tasted the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden, this day of the week is considered unlucky.
In 1907, writer Thomas William Lawson, author of the novel Friday 13th “also influenced the spread of negative opinions about this date. The book talks about unscrupulous brokers who using superstitions, played on Friday the 13th at the stock the market. Of course, Lawson did not invent the idea of an unlucky day, but he helped spread and strengthen this superstition.