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In the pantheons of the gods that mankind has long worshiped, reptile deities have always been present. Since the basis mythologies are usually real events, arises natural question: all these snakes, dragons, lizards in actually present on Earth or used in as awesome characters?
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Reptiloids of ancient civilizations
In the image of the ancient Sumerians, their gods looked like semi-reptiles, half-people. It is such clay figures, age which exceeds three thousand years, archaeologists found during excavations – And they were surprised at their disproportion. The shoulders of the figures were too wide, hips very narrow and legs incredibly long and braided. Crowned these strange head bodies pangolins!
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In the culture of every nation there are legends about the rational reptiles or flying dinosaurs. Which of us does not know the fabulous Gorynych’s snake? In Asian countries, his “relatives” are sacred dragons, which people to some extent worship to so far. in Tibet – lu, in Burma – natami, in Laos – praia nak, and in Of India – the many-headed and huge naga serpent humans living in the underground kingdom …
Ancient Indian legends say that the powerful the civilization of these serpent humans has existed since time immemorial. Nagi were so poisonous that one breath or a hypnotic look carried death. At the same time, divine snakes could revive the dead. And they could change their appearance and turn into person, suddenly appear and just as suddenly disappear, penetrate the stronghold. Nagas created amazing underground palaces of precious stones and gold.
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Sacred Chinese dragons are earthly deities guarding all sides of the world and five spheres (special spatial locations). They are called moons and are divided into several types: jiao – scaly dragons, ying – winged, qiu – horned and chi – hornless. The moon snake, according to Chinese tradition, is the progenitor all living things from which animals, birds, scaly and armored …
So maybe ancient legends carry the truth about the existence of a dragon race? No wonder there is a scientific opinion about that serpentoids (reptilians) dominated the earth for a long time before the appearance of the human race on it.
Where did the worship of the sacred reptilians come from?
In fact, why in cultures of completely different peoples, separated by the thickness of the oceans and thousands of kilometers of land, practically images of sacred dinosaurs, dragons, snakes? Images of these reptiles can be seen in the ancient Egyptian fresco, stone steles of Guatemala, the oldest drawings of India, China, Japan, finally, in Africa and even Northern Europe. And they are everywhere sacrifices are made.
Seven millennia ago, tribes of Tauri lived on the shores of Crimea, who worshiped the Virgin – the serpentine goddess. Taurus sacrificed to her brought beautiful girls and captured sailors. In the mountain temples Yeni-Sala caves were found an ancient altar and the remains of human sacrifices.
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The question arises: did the powerful race of reptilians die out or exists today, secretly ruling our world? Scientists are not reject and do not confirm this assumption. Today you can talk only about inexplicable facts. So, from the depths of the Crimean mountains all the time comes a strange noise of anthropogenic character. The researchers tried to find out the reason for its origin, but so and did not install it. Different versions were put forward: underground waterfall, drone of the wind inside the caves, etc.
In addition, a whole network was discovered in the mountains of Crimea interconnected underground tunnels. Eyewitness accounts about meetings in the mountains with underground residents. These are strange creatures reminiscent of meter lizards: they walk on two legs, have scaly skin and a reptiloid head with a comb. Explicitly reasonable creatures and very mysterious …
According to the esotericists, a giant amphibian monster. It has been repeatedly encountered by local fishermen and even christened the monster named Blackie. Ashore often found torn dolphin carcasses with traces of huge teeth. Sea serpent periodically throws leftovers from his meal on the coast and, sometimes it scares fishermen going to sea in boats.
The oldest race of reptilians
Russian biologist Anatoly Stegalin put forward a sensational hypothesis, according to which, 270 million years ago, a race dominated the earth reptile-like creatures with highly developed intelligence. Anatoly Alexandrovich suggested that at one time they were using genetic engineering intervened in the evolution of the half-wild man, in resulting in the human brain committing a sudden and tremendous leap in its development.
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There are a number of facts in favor of the fact that the human race descended from a reptile race. In particular, during the first trimester The human embryo resembles a lizard in its life. If turn, again, to the oldest drawings, then the origin of the whole life is represented on them as two intertwined snakes. By the way modern science also presents DNA molecules in the form of bound snake-like chains. And scientists concluded that in the human genome there is 221 foreign gene. Everyone else Earth’s living things are not observed …
Time Dragons DNA Snake Life India China Crimea Reptiloid Caves