Why does something suddenly “fly out” of my head

Why is something suddenlyA photo from open sources

It turns out that information regarding any word is stored in different places of the human brain. So, for the image itself (picture) the occipital region is responsible, the temporal is the pronunciation, and the meaning is several at once. At the chemistry level, all these places are connected into a single logical chain.

If we want to say something, the brain gives an impulse to neurons, which store the concept of the right word. So we already understand what we want to say, and if this is an object, then we see it picture.

Further, the impulse along the chain is transmitted to the temporal zone (center Wernicke), where the pronunciation of the word is stored. Having discovered the necessary sounds, the brain transfers them to the frontal zone (Brock’s center), and that converts into commands needed by articulation bodies.

If in the synapse (the place of contact of neurons) happen “problems” with the transmission of momentum, we find ourselves for a while unable to utter even such a frequently spoken word as “Hello”.

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