Why guardian angels save far from everybody?

Why aren't guardian angels saving everyone?Photo from open sources

Researchers of various paranormal phenomena have long been noticed that some people for some unknown reason like someone (or something) keeps from terrible troubles. So lucky get off with light scratches even with a serious accident in which almost all other participants die, without fail late for a plane that should crash, for no good reason suddenly leave the ship, as if anticipating its death, and so Further.

Of course, everything can be attributed to the notorious case, but you yourself miraculously escaping imminent death for some reason they don’t think so. They are argue that not only circumstances hinder, for example, get into a fatal plane, as it was during the tragedy with an airbus Tu-134, which in 2011 crashed near Petrozavodsk. Of course with point of view of logic, says one of those lucky Igor Goldberg, everything seems simple: we first flew from Yekaterinburg to Moscow, and this flight was delayed for two hours for technical reasons, why we were late for the Tu-134, passed the tickets, and the next day found out that the plane crashed. But this is far from the case: I can about myself to say that throughout that day I felt incomprehensible excitement, as if something was about to happen, and far from good one. And when I had already handed over the ticket, suddenly my soul became calm, although I could not understand – why …

A photo from open sources

Passengers who are late for a plane that crashed in 2008 near Perm. They turned out five, and each of them could hardly explain what delayed him – practically not allowed on this flight. And here are six young people, which were supposed to fly in 2004 with the flight Moscow – Sochi and which ended tragically, was not allowed on the plane airport staff: the guys were drunk. Then they recalled: in all of this is surprised by two strange things, firstly, they don’t seem to have there was no reason to drink alcohol before the flight, and secondly, they did not look so drunk as not to be allowed on the plane, and usually to such a degree of intoxication of the passenger workers airport do not pay attention. And here – on you, young people even threatened to sue the airport, and the next day arrived to thank those who saved their life …

Researchers of such phenomena claim that almost ninety percent of those who survived by a miracle claim: “the guardian angel saved me.” Moreover, not only believers adhere to this version, but also the most inveterate atheists. The latter just speak of intuition, but when, for example, they get out of a terrible accident like a goose out of water, having escaped with a slight fright, they shrug and agree: God saved …

Mathematical calculations indicate guardian angels

One of the researchers of this strange in terms of logic phenomena American sociologist James Staunton analyzed hundreds railroad disasters that occurred in the last century and came to surprising conclusion. It turns out that in trains that later crashed, drove no more than sixty percent of the required number of passengers. But in trains safe with of this view traveled from eighty percent and higher.

A photo from open sources

Where did these mysterious twenty percent of the “error” come from? Are all the same guardian angels?

Almost the same conclusion was reached by the mathematician Valery Isakov, however, he was no longer analyzing railway accidents, but air crash. Pushed him to this famous study American writer Stephen King, who simply adored all sorts of mystical riddles. So King once noticed that on tragic flight Denver – Boston did not come sixteen passengers, and thirteen of them handed in tickets ahead of time, the rest just late. At the same time, tickets are handed out on safe flights units, and almost no latecomers (a few rare cases).

A photo from open sources

The mathematician Isakov came to the same conclusion, according to his statistics. an average of twenty percent more passengers refuse fly (or are late) on planes that crash than on safe flights. It turns out that the guardian angels still exist? Moreover, the lucky ones themselves are almost ninety percent are sure of this, there are practically no skeptics among them. how generally skeptical against these studies only scientists who themselves have not experienced anything like it.

Guardian angels more often help believers and children

University of Texas Researchers Team this problem, I came to the conclusion that guardian angels are most often help believers and children. For example, New Yorker Stan Preymont, who twice ended up at the World Trade Center in the time of the explosions (1993 and 2001) and the survivor, believes that God saved him, because at that moment he was praying and completely relied on the will of the Almighty.

In 2003, a passenger crashes off the coast of the Red Sea Boeing, only a three-year-old kid from Sudan remains alive. IN at the end of June 2009, the A-310 airbus (near the Comor islands) and single-engine aircraft “Cessna”. In the first case only a fourteen-year-old girl is saved, who doesn’t swim She was able, in the second – the five-year-old daughter of the pilot. And such cases a lot …

A photo from open sources

However, researchers of this phenomenon do not cease to be embarrassed the fact that in various disasters both children and believers. Moreover, even those whom guardian angel in every way did not let, say, on the same fateful flight aircraft, however, a person still got on it, again due to strange coincidences. Fate as they say fatalists, which cannot be avoided, and therefore, avoid catastrophe or the same random bullet fired not even at you.

Yakuts, for example, have such concepts as complete and incomplete fate. So, a person with a complete fate is practically invulnerable to “random tragedies” and therefore always lives to a very old age. Then it turns out that the guardian angels are on guard only people with complete fate? Or is it still not so, and much more important, as they say some esotericists, just be friends with their guardian angel, completely relying on his will (knowledge of the future)? But the founder of the teaching of transerfing, Vadim Zeland claims that all depends on what you believe in: happiness, this or that fate and even the possibilities of your guardian angel – it all depends on faith. However, in practice, not everything is so simple and unambiguous. A because of the frozen truth, as the great mystic of India Sri said Aurobindo, there is not and cannot be, she is just like everything in this world, develops, and therefore for our consciousness is simply elusive …

Angels Moscow Airplanes

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