Photos from open Sources Indeed, why are people so eager for immortality and at the same time – do not believe in him? After all, it would seem that today everyone it is known that beyond the death line the existence of our self is not it ceases that there is something higher in us than ours the physical shell is the soul.
Science recognizes immortality
Of course, in the world there are still many atheists who are very happy that after death there is nothing – emptiness. According to such a theory, in you can do anything in this life – death will write everything off. Exactly such people most often go for suicide.
However, today not only religion, but science also recognizes that a person’s life does not stop after his death. To confirmation not only of clinical death, but also appeared the ability in almost every person to “awaken” the memory of his past lives, which proves the reality of reincarnation (rebirth of man).
As a rule, children under two years old remember their past lives, however, at this time they either cannot speak, or not they also understand that this may be interesting to others. Moreover, often their stories about past incarnations by parents are perceived like a child’s fantasies, and therefore rarely does any adult remember “these fables.” However, if this happens, then almost always reincarnation is confirmed by real facts.
Is death a test or healing?
Between our real life and eternal immortality there is a terrible for each of us – death. According to psychologists, the Creator does not accidentally made this transition so painful and terrible, otherwise it’s hard to imagine how many people would remain on Earth.
A photo from open sources
But why do we need this test of death? Documentary, which we bring to your attention is not accidentally named “Healing by death.” Transition from one life to another – heals our soul. I remember the parapsychologist Sergei Lazarev, who is capable of to look at people’s past lives, somehow wondered why infants die, say, at three months of age, for which reason they come to this world if they are not destined to do anything in it? how it turned out (as he saw on the subtle plane) that such souls come to our world, just to die, to relive the experience of death, since it is he who heals our soul most harmoniously, bringing her to the divine light. Perhaps that is why we are not given on this the light of immortality that atheists so dream of.
It is atheists, since people are spiritual, believers, among whom at all times there were many scientists, and poets, and even politicians and merchants do not seek earthly immortality. After all, there are more perfect state – immortality of the soul.
Time Life Reincarnation