Why in the UK do not want to treat crayfish?

Why doesn't Great Britain want to treat cancer?Photo from open sources

A group of British medical scientists led by Dr. Sarah Volters held a unique and fairly large-scale study, whereby England is named by them the worst country oncology.

Despite the fact that the UK is considered one of the most highly developed countries of the world, cancer survival is the most low, and the fight against this disease is much worse than in many other countries in Europe. It is enough to give the following figure: after a terrible diagnosis to survive in England almost already impossible, at least such a chance for almost fifteen percent lower than in other EU countries.

Moreover, the health care of Foggy Albion for some incomprehensible reason can not change this situation for the better now many years, it turns out rather the opposite. This is not unfounded statement, and the facts of painstaking research of cancer patients for last fifteen years.

A photo from open sources

However, the knowledgeable people of our planet are such a British conclusion scientists are not at all surprised. The fact is that world government is illuminati set a goal to destroy at least ninety-five percent of the world’s population. They plan to leave no more than two hundred million slaves for their own service (Council of three hundred man), they don’t need more, and the rest of the Earth should get them in their original form without any “human garbage. ”

Among the many ways to destroy humanity is cancer, which doctors learned to treat back in the middle of the last century. For example, the Italian doctor Gennaro Sangerermano is still at his fear and risk, since he was even imprisoned for it, easily raises from bed even neglected cancer patients – a simple drinking soda. But all this is prosecuted and punished. And since the world the government is based in England, the Illuminati is easiest control this particular country in terms of drug nonproliferation and ways to fight oncology.

Who does not know who the Illuminati are or wants to know a little about them more, see the video “Conspiracy Against Humanity”.

United Kingdom Illuminati Oncology

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