Why is it harmful for children to drink milk?

Why is it harmful for children to drink milk?Photos from open sources of

We all know the benefits of milk. Milk strengthens our bones and favorably affects the development of young organisms. Previously doctors strongly recommended drinking a few glasses of milk per day due to its invaluable health benefits.

However, a new study found that although milk is good source of protein, calcium and vitamin D, excessive the use of this product can lead to such unpleasant diseases like anemia and obesity. Nutritionists in one voice claim that milk is not as healthy as we are used to thinking, stating that most people in the world do not they consume milk while remaining healthy. However How can these conclusions be believed? We all heard that calcium, which is found in milk, strengthens our bones. Also we know that milk is enriched with vitamin D, which is synthesized in the skin of people under direct sunlight. This one vitamin is difficult for us to get from food, because it is in expensive foods like oily fish, egg yolks and beef liver. In addition, we know that vitamin D deficiency can provoke the development of rickets, as well as other unpleasant muscle and nervous ailments. Milk is a rich source of protein and calories, which has a huge impact on growing children organisms. In addition, the cause of many childhood diseases is common malnutrition, which is still urgent a problem, even in the most developed countries of the world. Of course, picky rich eaters can replace milk with other products nutrition, while families on the brink of survival do not can afford such a luxury. For example, nutritionists argue that the same set of utilities is found in such foods like nuts, beans, fish, greens. However, unfortunately, not everyone is available this set. To clarify this issue, world experts have dedicated their new research to this topic. Having studied all the criteria and data, they came to the conclusion that children, who live in countries with lower milk consumption, have lower health indicators than those in whose mills It is customary to regularly use dairy products. Also specialists concluded that besides milk, of great importance to the younger organisms have regular sports, which, just like and milk, strengthen bones and muscle system. Conclusion: if you want, so that your children are healthy, do not forget about the benefits of dairy products, and combine them with exercise! Fish Health

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