Why the passage of time cannot be turned back?

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Many scientists are struggling with the question: why time moves in one direction and which mechanism should be used to turn back the clock? A group of theoretical physicists decided carefully to study the concept of the “arrow of time”, which describes relentless movement of time forward. It is traditionally believed that any system begins with a low state of entropy, and then, driven by thermodynamics, the entropy of the system increases. In two in words: the past is low entropy, and the future is high entropy. This concept is known as thermodynamic asymmetry. time. We can find many examples of increasing entropy, such like gas filling a room or melting ice cubes. However in these examples of irreversible growth of entropy (and, therefore, its violation) not visible. At the time of our birth, our universe was in a state of minimally low entropy. During its expansion and cooling, the entropy of the universe has increased. Therefore it is possible suggest that time is inextricably linked to the degree of entropy our universe. However, there are other hypotheses, for example, gravity. Immediately after the Big Bang, the nascent base of our universe consisted of an unordered mash of very hot primary particles. As the universe develops and cools, gravity ordered its system, making the universe more complex. Chilled clouds of gas as a result of gravitational collapse formed stars and planets on which over time became organic chemistry reactions occur, leading to life and humanity, after billions of years letting us reason about time and space. The complexity of the universe is dimensionless value. It can be described as a complex system. Thus, if you look at our Universe, its constantly becoming more complicated structure is directly related to the passage of time. Therefore many scientists prefer the gravity hypothesis, which has a tendency to create order and structure (complexity) out of chaos. To test this idea, scientists have created computer programs for particle simulation in a toy universe. They found that, no matter how the simulation was run, complexity Universes have always increased over time and never decreased. By carefully examining each gravitational solution toy model, scientists have concluded that the newborn The universe initially has a homogeneous, chaotic, an unstructured system that resembles a plasma soup. With time in the plasma soup increases the heterogeneity, and then irreversibly created structures that are constantly get complicated. As the universe develops, subsystems become sufficiently isolated that allows other forces to create conditions for the “classic” arrow of time. Therefore, in the subsystems entropy can easily take on the mission of influencing the passage of time. FROM universal perspective, our perception of time due to the continuous increase in complexity, however, being in subsystem, entropy dominates in this matter. Turns out that our perception of time is the result of a law that determines the irreversible increase in the complexity of our universe.

Time Universe Gravity

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