Why the treasures of the Nazis are not given into the hands

Why the treasures of the Nazis are not given into the handsPhotos from open sources of

If we talk about treasures in general, then they are at all times arranged in such a way that only initiates could find them people. And it’s naive to think that only nooks and crannies.

As experienced people say, for example, cleavers and shamans, any treasure not just hiding, but also talking to thieves and random people. Probably for this reason no one can find them. how many already looking for time treasures, for example, Stenka Razin, and looking for not at random, but competently and with rare documents, almost authentic old maps – but all to no avail.

The treasures of the fascist were no exception in this regard. Germany, of which, apparently, there were many: during the Second World War wars the Nazis plundered and accumulated countless riches that in on the eve of the defeat, they decided to securely hide. Designed for this a unique plan, and, apparently, units from senior leadership of the Third Reich.

For example, immediately after the war, there were many witnesses and even participants who saw or even accompanied thousands of cars with jewels and gold, whole trains with similar wealth, well etc. No wonder that the exact places where the Nazis were called hid their treasures, for example, Lake Toplitz, which is located in Austria.

It was here after the war that numerous seekers poured treasures, especially after the declaration of German lieutenant Gottlich about that he personally participated in the burial of thirty boxes with in gold. However, all these gold prospectors disappointment. However, organized with the latest technology an expedition that explored the bottom of Lake Toplitz in the early 60s years, under the thickness of the sludge from a depth of 80 meters managed to still extract 30 boxes with fascist markings. But … and here the treasure hunters faced with something incomprehensible, almost mystical: in these boxes there were banknotes worth 10 billion francs, and the money was fake. As if the Nazis decided to laugh at those who wanted to profit from their treasures …

A photo from open sources

In fairness, we note that sometimes the treasures of the Third Reich (or rather, its individual crumbs) still come across, to for example, in the Austrian commune Altausze was accidentally raised from a mine Nazi gold and jewelry worth 100 billion marks. In this country, small hiding places are also found. German politicians and officers, however the main fund of treasures Nazi Germany is still not found. And even the noise around the train with gold, which was allegedly discovered in Poland, and remained either fake, or too expensive and fantastic an event for which the government of a given country has never it was decided.

No wonder that some researchers of this phenomenon are inclined to the fact that the Nazis are well versed in esoteric knowledge most likely also imposed on their treasures are some kind of spiritual “castles” (spells, as they say in people), which do not allow you to find these myriad wealth …

War Time Germany

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