With the help of SWIFT financial kagal keeps track of all money on the planet

A photo from open sources

SWIFT as a joint venture between the Fed and the CIA

The modern international financial system – above all information system, i.e. a collection, processing, storage system and use of information about customers of banks, insurance companies, pension funds, investment funds, other financial companies and organizations. Information of various kinds is being collected. If these are individuals, then data on financial position, health, work, property, relatives, living conditions of citizens etc. If these are legal entities, then data on current financial and economic situation, credit history, information about the proposed investment projects, managers, shareholders and managers, contracts, the state of fixed assets of companies, etc. etc. For collection, processing, storage and transmission of information banks and others financial institutions primarily use their own service. In addition, the information infrastructure of financial sectors include credit bureaus, rating agencies, specialized information companies. Several banks or Firms may create joint information pools (bases data) about customers. Powerful data centers are central banks performing banking supervision functions and having virtually unlimited access to commercial information banks. In addition, some central banks run parallel independent collection of information. For example, Bank of France monitors enterprises in the real sector of the economy, justifying this by the need to improve their monetary policy. Powerful financial and commercial flows information passes through payment systems – information and telecommunication systems. Separate financial sector information systems generally provide very wide “capture” of information, closely intertwined and interacting with each other. The vast majority of banks and financial companies have security services. Officially their main function is the protection of their own information. Unofficially many services are engaged in obtaining additional information about their customers and about competitors. Naturally, we are talking about tacit activity with using special technical and agent methods. Information Collected by Banks and Financial Companies Acquires confidential, accessible by receive only on the basis of special warrants of vessels and prosecutors. Possession of confidential information as well significant independence from government the world of banks and the world of special services. We can say that the construction global information “cap” is conducted by special services and banks together. Organic splicing actually occurred Western intelligence services and the financial and banking world. Huge appeared “shadow” “Leviathan”, which has powerful financial and information resources and taking control of all aspects of life society. SWIFT as a global financial and informational “cap” Many, I am sure, have heard the English abbreviation SWIFT, which stands for Society of Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications. From a technical point of view, this automated system for the implementation of international monetary Settlements and payments using computers and interbank telecommunications. From a legal point of view, this is a joint stock company. a society owned by member banks of different countries. The company was established in 1973 by representatives of 240 banks 15 countries in order to simplify and unify international settlements. It has been functioning since 1977. The vast majority of all calculations provided by SWIFT, – dollar. Registered Society in Belgium (headquarters and permanent bodies are located in the city of La Ulp near Brussels) and operates on the Belgian the laws. The supreme body – the general meeting of member banks or their representatives (General Assembly). All decisions are made by a majority vote of the members of the assembly on the principle of “one share – one vote. “Dominant position on the board Joint Stock Company SWIFT is occupied by representatives of banks of countries Western Europe and the USA. The number of shares is distributed proportionally to the volume of traffic of transmitted messages. The greatest the number of shares are held by the USA, Germany, Switzerland, France, Great Britain. Any bank with in accordance with national law, the right to implementation of international banking operations. Already from the end of XX century SWIFT could not be circumvented in the event that legal or an individual needed to send money to another country. Because the lion’s share of all international payments and settlements carried out in US dollars, then all transactions went through correspondent accounts opened by banks of different countries in American banks. The latter, in turn, had accounts in US Federal Reserve. So the SWIFT society, Being formally international, it was locked in on the Fed. And besides, that American banks in the indicated joint-stock company did not have controlling stake. SWIFT servers are located in the USA and in Belgium. In the middle of the last decade, SWIFT served 7800 financial and banking institutions in 200 countries. Served financial flow was estimated at 6 trillion. dollars per day. Photo from open sources SWIFT as a joint venture of the Fed and the CIA In the summer of 2006, a scandal broke out around SWIFT. The impetus was given to him in publications in the American editions of The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Los Angeles Times. Essence the story is like that. After September 11, 2001, the US authorities arose the idea of ​​putting all the cash transactions under control of the special services as domestically, and especially cross-border transactions. The official goal of such control is to prevent financing. terrorism. Shortly after September 11, the CIA made contact with by the SWIFT community and began to browse information about members in the USA and outgoing payments from the USA. There is no legal basis for such the CIA had no view. Agencies did not know about this activity even members of the SWIFT community. To somehow justify CIA control on operations through the SWIFT system in 2003 in Washington negotiated between World Society interbank communications and a number of US government departments (including the CIA and the FBI), as well as the US Federal Reserve (on the negotiations were attended by Fed Chairman A. Greenspan). Parties agreed to continue cooperation, subject to compliance Washington has a number of rules. These include strengthening controls with US Treasury side and focus exclusively on cash transactions for which there were suspicions of their connection with the financing of terrorism. American the party promised not to be interested in data on remittances for other types of crime, including tax evasion and drug trafficking. It is noteworthy that in negotiations with the leadership of SWIFT the Americans used as argument a reference to the fact that formally, this is not a bank, but only a communication body between them. Accordingly, intelligence interest in its data, said in Washington, not a violation of the American conservation law bank secrecy. Allegedly, the practice of familiarizing the CIA with UK central banks were notified by SWIFT data, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and Japan. The Central Bank of Russia does not appear on this list … Notification of some central banks on cooperation with the CIA and SWIFT in these central banks got a signature stamp and nowhere it didn’t go any further. Not only the public, but even governments and the parliaments were not in the know (and if they were in the know, they kept silence). The example of Great Britain is noteworthy in this respect. The Guardian newspaper in the summer of 2006 published data on how every year SWIFT passed millions information to the CIA operations of British banks. The Guardian emphasized that classified program for transmitting confidential information about British banking operations at the CIA is a violation and British and European laws (in particular European human rights conventions). Bank of England, one of 10 central banks having a seat on the board of governors of SWIFT, said that notified the British government of this program in 2002. “When we found out, we reported it to the Ministry of Finance and gave him these contacts, – said in 2006 Peter Rogers from Bank of England. – We also told SWIFT what they should personally contact the government. This has nothing to do with us. This is a matter of security, not finance. This question should have been to be decided between the government and SWIFT. “In a written response Parliament Gordon Brown confirmed in 2006 that the government was aware of the program. Referring to government policy is not comment on “specific security issues” Minister Treasury refused to answer whether measures had been taken to “ensuring respect for the privacy of UK citizens, whose banking operations could be considered as part of US counterterrorism investigation in collaboration with SWIFT. “Gordon Brown also declined to say whether the program was SWIFT is brought into legal compliance with Article 8 of the European human rights conventions. Information and financial “cap” Today, we know almost nothing about continuing Is SWIFT Collaborating with the CIA and Others Today American intelligence agencies. This topic is taboo in the world media. I will make an assumption: most likely, it continues. In every case, the United States has the necessary conditions for this (one of two SWIFT servers located in the United States). There are many indirect evidence that formally independent of states SWIFT society remains heavily influenced by the official Washington. One recent example is an exception in 2012 a society of its members of Iran. All commentators agree opinion that this was done under pressure from the American authorities. IN conclusion I must say that there are others (besides SWIFT) ways of control by the american intelligence agencies international financial flows and their participants. US dollar still remains the main currency in settlements on world commodity and financial markets. So, the corresponding legal dollar transactions and individuals outside the US go through Correspondent accounts opened with American banks. Information about transactions and their participants are accumulated in databases commercial banks and the US Federal Reserve Banks. Ends creation of a powerful consolidated database of the Ministry of Finance USA, where information will flow not only from American banks, but also from insurance companies, pension funds, other financial companies and organizations. In early 2013, the media held information that in order to ensure security and “interests US “access to this database will receive all US intelligence agencies – CIA, FBI, NSA, etc. Accelerated lining information and financial “cap” in the interests of American bankers and special services forces other countries to seek protection from oppressive control by Big Brother. Today a lot the need for a transition in international settlements from US dollars to other currencies. Usually such a transition is considered, as a means of leaving countries from financial and economic dependence on US side. It is right. However, such a transition will also allow get away from information addiction.

Great Britain Germany Money Life Russia USA

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