Woman raised the largest in Europe butterfly

Peacock-eye pear, large night peacock eye or Saturnia pear – as soon as they don’t call a giant butterfly, having a wingspan of up to 16 (!) – ty centimeters. They meet in southern and central Europe, in Asia Minor, Iran and … in the village Glinsk Zdolbunovsky district of Rivne region. – Autumn in the garden on I found two large orange caterpillars, parsing, recalls the 64-year-old Valentina Yakubchik. – It was already cool outside, so I put they were put into a clay jug, covered with a rag from above, carried to a house and … I forgot. In May, two huge butterflies suddenly flew out of the jug, very beautiful. I have never seen anything like it in my life. Photos from open sources

It turns out that Saturnia pear is listed in the Red Book Ukraine. Interestingly, butterflies do not eat anything and live off stocks that have accumulated as a caterpillar. French entomologist Jean Henri Fabre found that males peacock-eye pear can fly into the smell of pheromones of a female at a distance of 10-11 kilometers! Valentina Yakubchik decided to take butterflies to that a pear where she found caterpillars. By the way, Valentina Semenovna previously surprised local residents: two years ago, she raised one and a half kilogram potatoes.

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