A photo from open sources
Crestline resident in California filed suit state governments to make officials recognize Bigfoot existence.
Claudia Ackley says that she went last March camping with my daughters. Once near Arrowhead Lake, Americans, they said, saw a big foot in a tree. Woman and girls say it was a huge ape a creature three meters high (or somewhere around that). According to estimates Claudia, the monster weighed at least 350 kilograms. He had absolutely black eyes and thick red hair.
One of the daughters of our heroine allegedly even managed to capture the legendary primate on the camera phone. By including video below, you can see the footage from that trip with your eyes. Among the trees near a forest road at a certain moment you can really see something like a high shadow, however what is it – a living being or a para-idol illusion – hard to say.
When Akley turned to the local forester, he said that it’s probably about a bear. Then Claudia got support professional yeti hunter Todd Standing. At first the specialist was skeptical about the woman’s words, however, looking on the video received by travelers, I immediately noticed on it cryptid.
Now Akley and Standing intend to ensure that California officials acknowledged the existence of sasquatch. In the lawsuit government officials expose the public to serious danger, refusing to tell people about bigfoot. Reportedly that the case of Claudia will be examined on March 19. During the hearing our the heroes intend to provide the court with numerous evidence and eyewitness accounts testifying to the reality of yeti.