Women with big buttocks are smarter and healthier

Women with big buttocks are smarter and healthier.A photo from open sources Researchers came to these conclusions after surveys of 16 thousand women Scientists from the University of Oxford found that women whose buttocks are larger than average not only smarter than their peers without forms, but also less likely to get sick, – reports Lifter, citing ABC News. Research results showed that these women tend to have lower levels blood cholesterol. It makes the body work better when sugar processing. So if you have forms, then you are less you are likely to have diabetes or heart problems. Must emphasize that we are only talking about cases where all this is not reinforced by being overweight. If everything is in order with the weight, but forms – only under the back, it means that in the body enough omega-3 fats. This in turn catalyzes brain development. Scientists have found that children born to women with large hips intellectually superior to children from mothers without lush bulges. Researchers came to these conclusions after surveys of 16 thousand women. Professor Konstantinos Manalopoulos, Leading the study, says women who have more fat on the buttocks, have a better metabolism. They also have increased level of leptin – a female hormone that regulates including weight. Its high level means that the body is healthy and has serious anti-inflammatory protection. If most of the fat the body is stored in the buttocks, it saves the heart from excessive loads. Recently, researchers also came to similar conclusions. from California and Pittsburgh. It’s even proved that women with disproportionate big hips live longer.

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