Photo from open sources
In the Finnish community of Sipoo, located in the province of Uusimaa, a truly amazing incident occurred. Wounded squirrel independently visited a veterinary clinic, and even found there a specialist who immediately provided a smart patient help needed.
According to Samuli Heyskanen, a squirrel with a bloodied face appeared in the clinic and confidently headed to the operating room. He is there climbed into the hands of a doctor. The vet was shocked that the animal itself found it and behaves quite reasonably. Doctor immediately started nursing the little squirrel. He stopped the bleeding disinfected a wound and also fed a small patient apples and bran. Now the squirrel is reportedly swiftly is on the mend.
It is believed that he fell from a tree and broke his nose. Earlier local veterinarians have never encountered animals they came to be treated themselves.
For several days, the story of the squirrel spread throughout the Internet. Some World Wide Web users have stated that it’s just a great coincidence, and a wounded animal with the same success could go into a hairdresser and climb into the arms of the stylist, he just looked help. Other regulars on the Web found the squirrel really extremely smart, so purposefully visited in a veterinary clinic to be helped there.
Another thing is interesting in this situation: according to the theory of reincarnation, anything an animal on the verge of rebirth into a human being, in fact very clever and possesses human consciousness, unless can still speak our language. And such cases are recorded lots of. Therefore, a smart little squirrel can only wish good luck in his further improvement of consciousness …