Yeti communicate using runes?

A photo from open sources

British biologists recently questioned the existence of snow person. Like, the genetic material they studied belonged to bears and goats.

However, Igor Burtsev, director of the International Center for Homology, well-known cryptozoologist, sure that the study was conducted not in good faith. “Doubt that these creatures live in nature, no, he says. – And their abilities are amazing more and more of us. ”

A photo from open sources

– Igor Dmitrievich, what bothers the British?

– There are many details that show: they clearly performed Bigfoot denial order completely ignoring results of other studies. And with an Oxford professor Brian Sykes, one of the authors of the article, I personally know. Year back he came to Moscow, and I handed him the available samples for studying, but did not receive results from it.

– And what are these “studies” that deserve attention?

– A group of scientists from the United States led by Dr. Melba Ketchum in For 5 years, DNA analysis of biological samples (saliva, blood, urine, and even a piece of skin) collected in 14 US states and two the provinces of Canada. A total of 111 samples belonging to bigfoot – that’s what the Bigfoot is called in North America. AND it turned out that these are hybrids of a person with unknowns to science creatures. They appeared in Europe 13-15 thousand years back. A scientific name was proposed – homo sapiens cognatus, t. e. “a kinship man.” This name is declared in International zoo, pending registration.

– If homo sapiens, then it means intelligent beings?

– Yes, and we were convinced of their rationality more than once. The main thing is they enjoy the speech. In any case, they understand the human. And this the sign that the thinking creature distinguishes distinguishes it, say from monkeys. That they are talking, we are the first heard from an American Janice Carter in 2002. The Carter family from Tennessee maintained contact with bigfoots living in the forest next to their farm, already from the middle of the last century. They them fed, gave them nicknames, and also compiled a dictionary of their speech, with about 300 words.

Mostly words are borrowed from the languages ​​of the Indians. Grandfather Janice Carter tried to learn Bigfoot in English. Carters there was an audio recording of the sounds these creatures made. AND American specialist in cryptolinguistics (there is such a military specialty) Scott Nelson undertook to decipher them. So he found that it was quite articulate speech and that big feet pronounce words 1.5 times faster than people.

– What prevented the Carters from taking a photo or video?

– Not what, but who. Bigfoots themselves were in the way. For some reason they Do not allow yourself to take pictures. Therefore, in those few photos and videos available to researchers captured already retreating creature. Cryptozoologist Anatoly Fokin from Kirov set cameras in Vyatka forests, hoping to remove snow person. But they have a phenomenal flair and telepathic abilities. They either bypass such traps or turn away lens, or break the camera.

Runes from the branches

– What material evidence of snowmen were found in Lately?

– They create many structures from trees and branches. They put huts, bend and twist branches, stick poles into the ground like a stockade. In the same Vyatka forests there are amazing structures: huge trunks weighing 200 kg, pinched between two other trunks. A man with his own hands does not build this condition, and equipment in these forest jungle will not work.

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

At first we thought that was how they marked territory. But then noticed that they leave behind patterns, some characters that probably tell each other information. A perhaps they want to convey something to us. First, the same Janice Carter showed me the boulders on which these creatures scratch schematic drawings. Then similar drawings began to appear in Canada, not on stones, but on earth. They spread them branches, chopsticks.

In Michigan, I personally saw it folded this way. a six-pointed star, and at night in the area of ​​this pattern I watched someone glowing eyes. Around the same time, messages from Russian regions: resident of the Chelyabinsk region Natalya Puzanova finds the same designs in the local forest.

– Maybe the branches fell randomly?

– Natalia Puzanova put forward a version: these drawings are nothing other than runes, i.e., symbols of ancient writing! AND indeed, many images match. Especially often there is a design in the form of two parallel sticks and a letter “X” in between. This rune is called “mannaz”, it means “man human”.

A photo from open sources

Such signs began to appear a lot. Cryptozoologists try them decrypt, some come into contact with yeti through these characters like Canadians Brian Bland and Randy Brisson or a researcher from Kazakhstan named Nikolay. He has been talking with these creatures precisely with the help of ancient Slavic runes.

Spreads the inscription – the next day appears instead another one. By the way, the Indian tribes had such a tradition: they left signs to relatives, where, say, is the source of good water. And what these creatures want to tell us remains to be seen. to find out.


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