A photo from open sources
DNA research showed: Bigfoot exists and is a hybrid of humans and unknown primates. Supervisor research, US geneticist Dr. Melba Ketchum (MelbaKetchum) announced sensational results. Five year study genome shows evidence of a hybrid species between homo sapiens and great primate of unknown species in North America. A team of scientists can confirm that their years of DNA research, which is currently in peer review (review) process, confirms the existence of a new (unknown) living in North America hominid hybrid form, commonly referred to as “forest Man “(Sasquatch) or Big Foot.
A photo from open sources One of the investigated samples is skin Yeti with Hair Photo: Melba Ketchum
Extensive DNA sequencing by researchers suggests that the legendary forest man is a species akin to the man who arose about 15,000 years ago as a result of crossbreeding between modern homosapiens with an unknown primate. Study was carried out by a group of specialists in the field of genetics, forensics, visualization of processes and pathology, which led by Dr. Melba S. Ketchum of Nacogdoche, Texas. In response to existing interest in this study, Dr. Ketchum can confirm that her team has sequenced three complete bigfoot’s nuclear genome and, based on this, was able to determine that it is a human hybrid. “Our study has sequenced in a total of 20 mitochondrial genomes and used to produce three full nuclear genomes of specimens of alleged snowman next generation sequencing methods sequenzing). This genome sequencing shows that bigfoot mitochondrial DNA identical to modern homo DNA sapiens, but the new bigfoot nuclear DNA belongs to the unknown hominid and related to homo sapiens and other species of primates. Our data suggests that North American bigfoot represents a hybrid of species as a result of cross between male an instance of an unknown species and a female homo sapiens. “Hominids are members of the hominini taxonomic group to which all members of the genus homo belong. Genetic tests exclude that this crosses with Neanderthals (homo neanderthalis) and Denisov’s people. “Male ancestor who introduced unknown sequences into this hybrid, is unique, because his DNA is farther from humans than others recently open views, such as Denisov’s man, “said Ketchum. “Forest man’s DNA is absolutely“ new, ”and not at all what we expected. There is human nuclear DNA in the genome, however, it’s for sure there are sequences that do not belong to the archaic person hominid or anthropoid apes. Further research are needed and are being conducted to better characterize and understand the nuclear DNA of the snowman. ” Veterinarian with 27 years of experience in genetics and forensics, Ketchum worked as a veterinarian and until of this study published articles on genome sequencing the horse in which she participated. Your analysis work DNA of alleged bigfoot hair samples she began five years back. According to the results of its research, Ketchum demands from the authorities immediate recognition of the bigfoot as indigenous people. “Genetically, bigfoot is a human hybrid with definitely a modern human maternal ancestor. Government agencies at all levels should now recognize as an indigenous people and thereby protect immediately their human and constitutional rights from those who see in their physical and cultural differences “licensed” for hunting or even their murder. “Full details of the study will be presented in the near future in the publication of the manuscript (in a special magazine).
Yeti DNA Time