You can live in constant darkness for a long time and without disease but sad

You can live in constant darkness for a long time and without disease, but it's sadA photo from open sources

Scientists of the medical faculty of Petrozavodsk State University conducted an interesting experiment on rats. It turned out, that constant light is much more harmful than eternal darkness. One thousand and one rat. 1001 rats participated in the experiment. Zverkov divided into four groups. Some since birth lived with standard light mode (12 hours – day, 12 hours – night), others are natural for Karelia, with white nights in summer and short days in winter, third – with constant light, fourth – in complete darkness. Otherwise, the conditions were completely the same: the same food, the same humidity and temperature air. Rats were physically loaded, placed in conditions requiring mental stress, and recorded all changes in their health on a variety of parameters. Experiment Results seem unexpected. Those animals that lived in complete darkness hurt less often. By age, each individual was identified only by one disease. Ratings with standard rats are slightly worse. conditions – 12-hour day and night. Those who fell into the natural northern conditions with ever-changing duration periods of light and darkness, lived much less and often hurt (in they recorded an average of two to three diseases per individual). A the shortest life lived those rats that were in constantly lit room, while each of them had a whole a bunch of diseases. Head of the Department of Pharmacology Irina Vinogradova the results of the experiment seem logical. – Rat experiment confirmed our assumptions: physiological rhythm disturbance accelerates aging, she states. Melatonin – hormone longevity The whole thing is in the pineal gland – pineal gland, iron internal secretion located in the brain. Her importance discovered for the human body not so long ago, all years fifty back. Previously, this pea-sized organ was considered a kind of rudimentary third eye unrelated to the rest of the brain and not affecting anything. Now scientists know that the pineal gland produces melatonin – a hormone that regulates our “internal clock”. – The main functions of the pineal gland – reproductive, regulation of seasonal rhythms of the body, antioxidant and antitumor protection, – professor Vinogradova lists. -If the pineal gland can be likened to a watch, then its main hormone is melatonin – this is the pendulum that provides their progress. Amplitude reduction the pendulum, that is, the level of melatonin, leads, if not to a halt, then the biological clock fails. And biological work depends on their work. an age that does not always correspond to the calendar. By the way, long-livers have a rather high level melatonin. Perhaps here lies the secret of longevity? Melatonin it is synthesized only in the dark, and the peak falls on approximately two in the morning. Worked or walked until the morning – hit the beat, missed valuable hormone production time For normal functioning a person requires only 30 micrograms of melatonin per day. But the trick is that it is synthesized only in the dark, with the peak falls at about two in the morning. Worked or skipped all night – knocked down the rhythm, missed the time to produce valuable hormone. A lack of melatonin is fraught with a weakening of the immune system, headaches pains, pressure drops and so on. Scientists say that not only sleepless nights have an impact on this process, but also the so-called “light pollution” (reflections of street lamps and neon signs), and transmedial flights. – Northern conditions, seasonal work, continuous lighting contribute the emergence of various diseases, including cancer, – concludes Vladimir Anisimov, president of the Gerontological Society RAS, head of the department of the Petrov Oncology Research Institute of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. – It has been established, for example, that flight crews crossing the ocean and often falling into other time zones, are predisposed to diseases: men – to prostate cancer, women – to breast cancer. Serotonin – a hormone of joy It would seem, here it is – “Makropoulos’s remedy.” Plunge into the dark and live long and without diseases. Nothing of the kind, scientists argue. The body needs not only melatonin, but also serotonin – a hormone of vigorous activity, uplift of mood. And it is just produced only during the day. Experimental rats living in constant darkness, although lasted longer than others and got the least disease, but were depressed – precisely because of a lack of serotonin. Ideal conditions with equal lengths day and night, conclude Petrozavodsk scientists. Then both melatonin and serotonin will be synthesized in due time and in the required quantities. True, in nature this is possible only somewhere in the area equator. But it’s impossible for everyone to take and move from north to south – away from white nights and black days. And what about those who forced to stay awake during inopportune hours: doctors, taxi drivers, security guards, drivers? – Observe the regime of work and rest and do everything to reduce the risk of negative consequences for your health, – Irina Vinogradova answers. – In any case, the results our experiments will identify possible ways of prevention age-related pathology and premature aging in groups increased risk. Tips from Professor Vinogradova how to maintain normal production of melatonin and avoid failure “biological clock”: – observe the regime of the day; – go to sleep before midnight, do not drink alcohol, coffee, other before bedtime exciting drinks; no smoking; – you need to sleep in complete darkness. For this window it is worth curtaining with blackout curtains so that the light from the streets did not enter the apartment, turn off computers and televisions at night. You can go to bed wearing a dark blindfold; – if use night lights then with a red lamp; – drink vitamins B3 and B6, calcium, magnesium, especially in the offseason; – enter into your diet micronutrient-rich foods: bananas, cheese, nuts, seeds.

Rat Time

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