Photo from open sources
Not always general epaulettes and epaulettes fell on the shoulders white-haired military. Often the generals became quite still young people, and sometimes officers, who didn’t even really learn shave / Birth Generals Boys in noble families were born not in shirts, but in generals uniforms. They only had to wait a few years to become senior bosses. Archduke Karl of Austria (1771-1847) at the age of five he was appointed commander of the regiment, in For 22 years he became Field Marshal Lieutenant (i.e., Lieutenant General). I must admit that subsequently he fought excellently, for which he received in 25 – Field Marshal, and 35 – Generalisimus.
Photo from открытых источников
Photo from open source Ivan Kutaisov was a favorite of Emperor Paul I. It is not surprising that his son Alexander, at age 10, was recorded in guards regiment, where by 15 he rose to the rank of colonel, and by 22 – until the general. Realizing that neither the knowledge nor the experience befitting a general, he doesn’t, Alexander Kutaisov traveled to Europe, where he studied mathematics, fortification and artillery. In 1812 he was appointed commander. artillery of the 1st Russian Western Army under the command Barclay de Tolly. He distinguished himself in the battle of Smolensk. Died at Borodino, leading an attack to repel a battery occupied by the French Raevsky. The battery was just littered with corpses. Body of a 28 year old they could not find the general. Grand Duke Constantine From childhood, Nikolai I was preparing for the naval service from childhood. Passing practice on ships, he very quickly grew up in ranks (to it corresponded to the level of tasks assigned to him by the emperor), and at the age of 21, he received the rank as a wedding gift Rear Admiral, corresponding to the rank of Major General in the infantry. IN mainly engaged in the reform of the fleet. It is he after the Crimean the war in a short time turned the Russian sailing fleet into a steam and armored.
Photo from Open Source Children of Revolution and Civil War during revolutions young generals appear in dozens. Come to power revolutionaries did not really trust high-ranking officials deposed regime. In this situation, to the highest posts in the army young people were appointed who showed sincere devotion to the new authorities. Napoleon for 10 revolutionary years has gone from a lieutenant to the general, having received general epaulettes on his shoulders at the age of 26. Gregorio del Pilar, national hero of the Philippines, became general at 21 year, and at 24 already died. During the Civil War in the USA (1861-1865) during the assault on Fort Fisher, a 20-year-old was mortally wounded Colonel of the Northerners (which in itself is worthy of surprise) Galush Penny packer. The commander who visited Galusha in the infirmary appropriated to the dying hero the rank of general. And the hero took it and did not die! And another 50 years walked in general uniform.
Photo from open sources In the Red Army, young commanders were like nowhere much. Sergei Lazo at the age of 24 commanded the front, Tukhachevsky in 27 by the army, Yakir at 22 by a group of forces, Primakov at 23 by a corps. AND although they were not generals, due to the absence of such a rank in the Red Army, according to the importance and size of the tasks they solve, they are quite possible ranked as generals.
Photo from open sources in the White Army also advanced to high Army posts are talented nuggets. Kuban Cossack Andrey Shkuro became a general at the age of 32 (and in 1944 – a SS gruppenfuhrer, for which was hanged in 1947). Ataman Semenov received general shoulder straps from Kolchak at 28 years old. In Crimea, Baron Wrangel handed general shoulder straps to 27-year-old Nikolai Skoblin.
Photo from открытых источников
Photo from open sources Stalin’s falcons In the USSR, the youngest the pilots became generals. Stalin favored his falcons. Ases who have proved their courage in the battles at Khalkhin Gol and in Spain, often in a few years they made a dizzying career. How bright an example is Grigory Kravchenko.
Фото изopen source Gregory in 1932 graduated from Kachinsky Aviation school, and in 1938 senior lieutenant Kravchenko shot down his own over China first plane. In December he was already a major, in February 1940 he was a brigade commander, in April 1940 – divisional commander. With the introduction of the general ranks in the Red Army in 28 years he received immediately Lieutenant General. In World War II commanded Air Division, Air Force Front and Aviation Group. In February 1943 Air Division commander Kravchenko died in aerial combat, knocking down before this is a German fighter. However not always fearless ass-lieutenants became competent generals. High posts required new knowledge, completely different skills and life experience, which many often did not have. For mismatching high posts I had to pay with my life. Ases not become at the age of 29, Pavel Rychagov became deputy general Air Force Chief of the Red Army, and at 30 – Deputy Commissar of Defense of the USSR for aviation and lieutenant general. That June 22, 1941 Soviet aviation did not become an air shield for the Red Army, there is and his fault. June 24, 1941 he was arrested, October 28 – shot.
Фото изopen source Ivan Kopec became a major general at 32, WWII met as commander of the Air Force of the Western Military Counties. On June 22, the district lost 738 aircraft out of 1,453, with 528 burned down on the ground during the bombing of airfields. Learning about scale of losses, Ivan Kopets shot himself. P.S. No words it’s nice to look at a young fit general. However The necessary knowledge is accumulated only with many years of experience. It is unacceptable for a young general to acquire the necessary knowledge trial and error because miscalculations of generals soldiers pay with their blood.
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