Photos from open sources
The inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom continue to amaze the whole world, since traditions of this people to inhabitants, for example, of Western Europe or the USA sometimes seem so wild that they put together real legends, most often without a real foundation.
For example, Europeans are somehow sure that the Chinese never save the drowning, they have, they say, there is a ban on this, religious veto. According to Buddhist beliefs (the most common religion in China), the fate of man is predetermined from above, and therefore drowning in the same sea is better not to touch, because, if you save him, he will drown another time anyway – why prolong life agony?
However, in reality, everything is somewhat different. In China, as on all other beaches in the world, there is a rescue service on water. But as for the initiative to save the drowning side of ordinary Chinese, then there really is observed some confusion. However, she does not come from religious beliefs, and from family traditions: most of the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom do not know how to swim. Moreover, parents themselves who are afraid of water, they intimidate her children as well – they get a vicious circle.
Therefore, the Chinese most often enter the water only to the waist, splashing in shallow water, and not swimming, like all other people. And if really someone drowns in front of such Chinese, then they, by for obvious reason, do not rush to save the unfortunate, because not in the power to do this.
China is a country of scorched atheists
By the way, we note that the main “religion” of modern China is not even Buddhism, but communism. This eloquently speaks even such a fresh fact that in the PRC not so long ago they banned selling through online Bible stores. And although journalists attribute this to first of all, with the deterioration of relations between the country’s leadership and The Vatican, in reality, everything is much more serious. It’s enough to say that in the Middle Kingdom in the last two years they closed hundreds of Christian churches, removed from them almost 2 thousand crosses. At In this, the same Buddhists are not subjected to such persecution, although the main the population of the country today is arrogant atheists …
As for the salvation or not salvation of drowning, to faith is how we see has nothing to do. In China, even foreigners do not are especially keen to provide assistance to water casualties, as tourists here are immediately warned about the consequences of such humane feats.
A photo from open sources
In China, fraud is widespread, when a rescuer can then blame violence, damage and so on. So that, coming to the aid of the Chinese, you can completely get into trouble or, as still say in Russia, sit in a puddle.
And finally, smile: for the local population in relation to tourists here also have their own prohibitions, for example, to them under pain serious punishment is not allowed to appear to visitors as Jackie Chan…
Water China Russia